woensdag 20 januari 2010

De Israelische Terreur 1116

Sonja zei

CIDI meldt: "Joodse steun slachtoffers Haïti"

Joodse steun? Hoe zou die eruit zien? Delen ze noodkeppels uit misschien?

Daarover zwijgt het CIDI angstvallig. De volgens Haaretz 'pro-zionistische lobbygroep' is immers een betaalde propaganda-organisatie. Waarom schamen joodse Nederlanders, burgers dus die ervoor kiezen niet in Israel te wonen maar in hun eigen land, zich niet voor de Israelische terreur tegen de Palestijnse burgerbevolking? Waarom gaat deze 'Joodse steun' niet naar Gaza, maar wordt dit aan de wereldgemeenschap overgelaten?

'Joodse steun'? Dat is net zo'n merkwaardige omschrijving als 'Joodse bommenwerpers.'

PS: Het Joods Humanitair Fonds is een ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling), dus giften aan het Fonds zijn aftrekbaar voor de belasting.

8 opmerkingen:

peter zei

"Joodse steun slachtoffers Haïti"
en ondertussen weer organen stelen?
Accusations of Israeli IDF theft of organs of Haiti victims By Iqbal Tamimi


peter zei

Er ging iets mis met de link:

Lucas zei

China Earthquake caused by HAARP weapon 引发地震的证据

HAARP weapon weather mind control CBC 1 of 2

A cloudbuster (or cloud buster) is a device developed by Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich with the ostensible purpose of draining clouds of "orgone energy". Reich believed that such energy surrounded the earth, and that a cloudbuster would act as a rain-maker.[1][2] In Reich's view, clouds and rainfall were natural accumulations of orgone energy, and cloudbusters used "orgone accumulators" attached to pipes. These were intended to focus and direct the collected energy into the atmosphere, thus stimulating cloud growth and rainfall. This is considered pseudoscience, despite Reich's claims of evidence of their operation in experiments he undertook.

Kate Bush Cloudbusting

Lucas zei

US GOVERNMENT "HAARP" caused earthquake in China? NOW IN HAITI?


Lucas zei

Zeer toegankelijke kennismaking met het leven en werk van WIlhelm Reich:

Het seksuele bolwerk van Harry Mulisch

Lucas zei

Did HAARP weapon cause Haiti Earthquake killing thousands ?

Nicholas Joseph "Nick" Begich, Sr. (April 6, 1932 – undetermined, presumed dead October 16, 1972) was a Democratic Party member of the United States House of Representatives from Alaska. He disappeared in a 1972 plane crash.

In 1970, Begich was elected to Alaska's at-large seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, defeating Republican banker Frank Murkowski (later a U.S. Senator and eventually Governor of Alaska). In 1972, he faced the Republican state senator Don Young.
Posthumously, Begich won the 1972 election with 56% to Don Young's 44%. However, after Begich's declared death, a special election was called which was won by Young.
Nick Begich had six children, named Mark, Nichelle, Tom, Stephanie, Paul, and Nick. His son Mark Begich is the junior Senator from Alaska to the United States Senate, winning the position after defeating the Republican Party's longest ever serving U.S. Senator, Ted Stevens, days after Stevens' federal conviction on corruption charges. Nick Begich's widow, Pegge Begich, ran for the U.S. House seat in 1984 and 1986, but was defeated. She is retired and currently lives in Nevada. The eldest son, Dr. Nick Begich, Jr., is well known in Alaska for his own political activities. He was twice elected President of both the Alaska Federation of Teachers and the Anchorage Council of Education. Nick Jr.'s current research focuses on the methods, actions, and ethics of various US government organizations.

Paul zei

Nu in Haïti doen het Israëlische leger, het IDF, er alles aan om hun menselijk kant te tonen. Alle hulp die ze de Palestijnen al decennia lang ontzeggen was in een paar dagen beschikbaar voor Haïtianen.

Ah ,PR
Zoals gewoonlijk moeten voor dit soort dingen niet bij onze eigen MSM zijn.

Israëlische arts laan uitgestuurd omdat hij vloer aanveegt met Israëlische hulp in Haïti


But apparently a minute of TV coverage is much more important…and in fact Israel is using disasters as [military] field training in rescue and medical care. After a fortnight, the mission will reportedly return to Israel. To be truly effective a field hospital needs to remain for two or three months, but that’s a condition that Israel cannot meet.

…It is only in the Israeli aid compound in Haiti that large signs carrying the donor country’s name hang for all to see.

Paul zei

Voorgaand bericht komt dus gewoon uit israëlische MSM

Helmut Schnidt: "De huidige dreiging is de schuld van de uitbreiding van de NAVO"

  https://x.com/deSunShineBand/status/1899026357448745207 CS @deSunShineBand Voormalig Bondskanselier Helmut Schmidt: "De huidige dreig...