zaterdag 11 maart 2006


De Bush-gang heeft een nieuw slachtoffer op het oog: Venezuela, en laat dat nu ook toevallig een olieland zijn. Al eerder heeft Washington via een militare coup de democratisch gekozen president Chavez proberen kalt te stellen, maar dat mislukte omdat niet alleen de meerderheid van de bevolking achter hem bleef staan, maar ook een deel van het leger. Maar de gangsters geven het niet op. De Los Angeles Times bericht: 'US More Intent on Blocking Chavez . Venezuela's leader seeks to rally opposition to Washington as elections near in the region. Washington - The Bush administration is stepping up efforts to counter leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as he builds opposition to U.S. influence in Latin America. U.S. diplomats have sought in recent years to mute their conflicts with Chavez, fearing that a war of words with the flamboyant populist could raise his stature at home and abroad. But in recent months, as Chavez has sharpened his attacks - and touched American nerves by increasing ties with Iran - American officials have become more outspoken about their intention to isolate him. Signaling the shift, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told Congress last month that the United States was actively organizing other countries to carry out an "inoculation strategy" against what it sees as meddling by Chavez. U.S. officials believe Chavez uses his oil wealth to reward governments that share his anti-American views and to foment change in those that don't. "We are working with other countries to make certain that there is a united front against some of the things that Venezuela gets involved in," said Rice, who called Venezuela a "sidekick" of Iran. Rice leaves today on an eight-day trip to Latin America, Indonesia and Australia, including a stop in Chile for the inauguration of President-elect Michelle Bachelet. Rice said pointedly Thursday that she did not plan to see Chavez, who is expected to attend the inauguration Saturday. As part of the administration's new view of Venezuela, U.S. defense and intelligence officials have revised their assessment of the security threat Venezuela poses to the region. They say they believe Venezuela will have growing military and diplomatic relationships with North Korea and Iran, and point with concern to its arms buildup. Of equal worry to them is Venezuela's overhaul of its military doctrine, which now emphasizes "asymmetric warfare" - a strategy of sabotage and hit-and-run attacks against a greater military power, much like that used by Iraqi insurgents.' Lees verder:,0,2226304.story?coll=la-home-headlines Of: Onafhankelijke berichtgeving over de achtergronden van dit conflict geven de Nederlandse commerciele media nauwelijks. Misschien kan bijvoorbeeld de NRC beter zijn geld in een goede verslaggeving investeren dan in een nieuw krantje voor jongeren.

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