Het wordt met de dag gekker. Nu schijnt ook de christelijke hemelgod van Tony Blair, Bush en Balkenende zich met de oorlog in Irak te zullen gaan bezighouden. De Independent bericht: 'Blair: ''God will be my judge on Iraq.'' Tony Blair has proclaimed that God will judge whether he was right to send British troops to Iraq, echoing statements from his ally George Bush. Contradicting warnings from advisers not to mix politics and religion, the Prime Minister said that his interest in politics sprang from his Christianity and its "values and philosophy" had guided him in public life.Explaining how he managed to live with the decision to go to war in Iraq, Mr Blair replied: "If you have faith about these things then you realise that judgement is made by other people. If you believe in God,it's made by God as well." His remarks, made in an interview to be shown on ITV's Parkinson show tonight, invite comparison with President Bush, a born-again Christian, who has made a virtue of bringing religion into politics. But they also carry the risk of inflaming opinion in the Arab world, where the term "crusader" is commonly used to condemn Christian leaders who meddle in the Middle East.It is also exactly the sort of comment he has been repeatedly urged not to make for domestic purposes, because of the risk that a sceptical British public will react badly to politicians who appear to be "preaching". Mr Blair was instructed by his former director of communications, Alastair Campbell: "We don't do God."' Lees verder: http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politics/article349125.ece Of: http://informationclearinghouse.info/article12172.htm Als het waar is wat Tony Blair beweert en als het sterke vermoeden juist is dat de christelijke god dezelfde is als de islamitische dan krijgen we straks de gekste taferelen aan de hemelpoort te zien, want dan zullen Bush en Blair op hun knieen moeten bidden om binnen gelaten te worden terwijl Osama en Saddam er vurig voor pleiten het tweetal de hel in te sturen. De allerhoogste zal zich bij zijn beslissingen net zo meedogenloos moeten opstellen als een Rita Verdonk! Wat maar weer bewijst dat we geleid worden door pathologische gevallen die, zoals William Blake in 'The Voice of the Ancient Bard' zo prachtig verwoordde: 'stumble all night over the bones of the dead, And feel they know not what but care, And wish to lead others, when they should be led.'
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