Olivia Rousset van de Australische omroep SBS blijft de Abu Ghraib martelingen volgen. Een Amerikaanse militaire politieman vertelt haar hoe Amerikaanse militairen onbewapende Irakese gevangenen in Abu Ghraib doodschoten. Een andere militair vertelt haar dat alleen al de naam Abu Ghraib hem pijn doet. 'Het is als een wond die niet wil genezen.' Bij Information Clearing House kunt u de documentaire bekijken. 'The latest chapter in reporter Olivia Rousset's Abu Ghraib revelations. Three weeks ago on
Dateline, Olivia revealed new evidence of horrific abuse at Abu Ghraib. On a recent trip to the US, Olivia managed to track down two former Abu Ghraib guards - one who served time for committing abuses against Iraqi detainees and another who witnessed those shocking events. It's no small irony that both of these former US military policemen now see themselves as being among the victims of Abu Ghraib. Here's Olivia's story. And, as you would expect with this sort of report, be warned - some of what you're about to see is not exactly pretty and could even offend.
Broadcast - -Dateline - SBS Australia 03/08/06 Lees verder:
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