zondag 25 juni 2023

What are the Working Class Ukrainians dying for...?


Mick Wallace
Damage to Ukraine is devastating + sadly Zelensky has now used current war to concentrate Power + accelerate a corporate firesale - Over 3 million hectares of Agri lands are now owned by companies based in Western tax havens - What are the Working Class Ukrainians dying for...?
0:08 / 1:02

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

They're forced by Zelensky and egged on by Europe , to die for the neoliberal economic model, that aims at transferring public/common goods to internationally operating buyers ( locusts , but also normal people ). One of the excuses that is used to justify or obfuscate this proces is , for instance, that it is more efficient to scale up (Big Agro). Or that it is enhancing some fictitious competition , wihich would lead to better quality of services. Or lower prices through competition, while in practice international operating capital strives to obtain monopolies and higher return on investment. So basically companies are taxing people instead of governments.
It's 's transferring and eventually siphoning of the wealth , that belongs to a state and its people (who in a sane world would guard the prosperity of its people), to international investors.
The investors are pension funds, private mom and pop investors, hedgefunds, states, all around the world. The perverse thing about it is that as a private person, if you want to preserve your wealth, but can't buy a house or don't want to be exposed to inflation, stocks of this capital are almost the only way to protect yourself (besides physical gold). And this always carries some casino-like risks.

They are fighting on behalf of the West to weaken the Russian Federation, because it's very rich in natural resources and Europe and (to a slightly lesser extent) U.S. are not. This has been stated openly by von der Leyen.
Wether this is fair? Whether this is wise?
If in an imaginary world , one country in the world would own all fresh water in the world , and wouln't want to share it, I would be inclined to say that it is fair to go to war for it. I don't know wether the current location and dispersion of natural resources around the world , bares any resemblance to this imaginery water-example. This seems to me like a really complex calculation.
I believe energy is the big driver of most wars. That's what they're fighting for, so all patriotism r fighting some evil is a delusion.

Anoniem zei

One could argument that it is never right to kill someone.
History is proof of the immense human collateral damage in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and the peremptory boorish ways of the military going into those countries.

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