dinsdag 27 juni 2023

Ukraine Is Being Sacrificed in a Proxy War

RFK JR: Ukraine Is Being Sacrificed in a Proxy War Between the US and Russia “We could have solved that war. We could have averted it,” attested . “The Russians had signed a peace agreement with Zelensky in April of 2022, and the White House actually deployed Boris Johnson to go and sabotage that agreement.” When asked if he would cut off aid to Ukraine, answered, “I would settle the war. I would negotiate. I will negotiate the war end of the war immediately.”

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

By stating this he also knows that he runs a very serious risk to get killed by the neocon people who beg to differ.
They want the war to drag on as long as possible and " fight to the last Ukranian".
I disagree with Kennedy when he states that the U.S. has fought many useless wars.
On the contrary, the U.S. has been pretty succesful in their plan to destabilise countries rich in oil, but he can't formulate it that harsh to the average American.
By the way, his speech is a bit shaky due to a medical condition.

Anoniem zei

He is already actively being thwarted by Big Tech , removing video's of him giving interviews from the internet.

De Nationale Holocaust Herdenking is Doortrapte Edel-Kitsch

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