dinsdag 27 juni 2023

Lying John Kerry


This is hilarious: John Kerry is on a tour flamboyantly depicting Russia as a rouge state for invading a sovereign country, only for French journalist to remind him the US has invaded multiple countries, and Kerry himself voted to authorize the Iraq War. Watch:
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So this French tv host asks John Kerry if there isn't a double standards between the US's position on Putin for his "war of aggression" and the fact they don't think those standards apply to Bush for Iraq. John Kerry, embarrassed,replies Iraq wasn't a war of aggression. 🥴🥴🥴

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

De Fransen zijn veel minder geneigd altijd maar mee te gaan met het aanmatigende Angelsacksische geleuter.

Anoniem zei

"The Triffin Dilemma is coming home to roost."
By confisquating the national reserves of Russia , worth 300 billion and probably promised as reparations to Ukraïne/Zelensky beforehand , dedollarisation has actually been given a boost by the U.S itself. It seems like the U.S. literally shoved their chips "all in" and took a big calculated risk.
I wonder what the plan is to prevent the hyperinflationary endgame that is in store for the U.S. ( i.e. is inherent to the Triffin Dilemma) from unfolding, and inevitably reducing the U.S. to a third world country.
I have no idea what the timeframe is, but natural resources and the Triffin Dilemma are center to all tensions and disputes that are emerging now.
The pipeline terrorism must be seen as a way to very effectively criple European industry, while at the same boosting U.S.'s LNG profits and competitive edge vis a vis Europe. The question is whether this economic subservience is justified, and if so, what are the limits to this subservience or historic loyalty?

Zionists Have Too Much Power

  https://x.com/Dinksy_/status/1792225326258368607 Dinksy∆® @Dinksy_ Israel picks the presidents Post vertalen