zaterdag 4 juni 2022

British Racism

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Kan een afbeelding zijn van 2 mensen

Rizwan Dar is met Ka My en 
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The dangerous Muslims of Britain, who are amongst the most likely, or most common, to commit acts of terrorism; are not from amongst the Muslims of birthright, nor are they from amongst the Muslims who practise their faith wholeheartedly, nor are they from amongst the extreme Muslims either; because 99.9% of all these Muslims, if not more!, who make up the total population of Muslims living in Britain, including the extreme followers, have never committed acts of terrorism, nor have they colluded to! nor have they ever been found guilty of this!; which means, they are not potential terrorists either, because they've never proved to be!
So if 99.9%. of all combined Muslims (including the extreme followers), if not more!, living in Britain, and maybe even in Europe, don't commit acts of terrorism, because as of yet!, they haven't!, then isn't it just stupid to always associate Muslims and their faith with terrorism! (which includes the extremist preachers too), when only a tiny tiny little fraction of all British Muslims( including extremists), have actually committed the act, and almost all of them, haven't!..
So just based on this fact alone, isn't it an injustice to always associate Islam and Muslims, with terrorism!, including the extreme Muslims!, when that's just a pathetic assessment of ratios or percentages, even with the extremists included!..?
Because the extremist believers and preachers, I spoke about before, represent less than 1% of all British Muslims too, and they have only had about 1%, from amongst them!, who have actually committed terrorism on British soil too, or attempted to (I over estimated in my last post); Which then means! only the tiniest fraction of the extremists have also only committed acts of terrorism too!..
So when, from amongst all these Muslims, less than 1% possess the danger of committing acts of terrorism, and the same goes with the extremists, then how can people accuse or associate British Muslims with terrorism, and their faith in creating terrorists too, even if you follow it with extremism when statistics tell you it's ridiculous! and nothing but farcical! to make such a claim!..
Because, when more than 99.9% of them haven't been converted by Islam, towards committing such attacks, then how can you truly make such associations and accusations, against them and their faith!...?
And don't think that these statistics are wrong either, because this is the truth!; there are currently, roughly 120 to 150 Muslims, in Britain, who were found guilty of committing acts of terrorism, which is less than 0.005% of all British Muslims. So Let me just repeat that for you !, it's no more than 0.005 % of the entire British Muslim population, which means 99.9%, or more!, of all other British Muslims haven't committed terrorist acts in Britain, nor have they ever been converted by any elements of their faith either, including the extremists!, to commit these crimes...
So it truly is a joke, when Islam is being accused of creating terrorists, in Britain!, even with the extremists following it; when it doesn't do this to the 99.9% of the rest of them!..
And let me just give you another example to understand this stupidity; If a country always has sunshine for 364 odd days in a year, which is equivalent to 99.9% of the time, in a year, and only produces rain the odd 0.005 of the time, which is maybe a one day in a year, would you associate that country with rain, or would you associate it with sunshine?... Would you tell people that it's a country that produces a lot of sunshine or a country that produces a lot of rain?....
You will of course associate that country with the sun! Because if you said it produces rain, it would be a senseless statement!.. So In using the same example, if 99.9% of British Muslims don't commit terrorism, from following their faith, why would you associate them and their faith with terrorism, or claim their faith creates terrorists when that's the same as associating the wrong whether with the desert country..?.. It means! on this association of terrorism, if that's what you've been claiming, then you've truly been senseless towards this!..
So why are so many people blind to this obvious senselessness? Why do they accuse the religion and its followers of creating terrorists, including extremists, when that's just not the case, and it's a pathetically senseless claim to make.
But that's how people have been made to think; because of how misguiding news can brainwash people... Our news has brainwashed them! even those who think they are clever and can't be brainwashed!.... But a hateful heart won't help you either, it will easily lull you with the misguiding news, and that's what has happened with many Islamaphobes!, including the educated ones!
But let's forget about them, and let's now talk about the 0.005%, who have committed acts of terrorism!, or colluded to!, who I agree are the dangerous Muslims, who I also agree are capable of committing these acts too... So who are they?... and what motivates them to do it too?... And What makes them different from the other 99.9%, who never become terrorists..?
Are they Muslims who follow their faith devotedly, who are also angry at what's happened in the Middle East; because this seems to be what many people also elude to!..
Well, guess what! I reckon 99% of all Muslims, living in Britain, who practice their faith devoutly, are angry at what has happened with Iraq, Afghanistan!, Syria!, and the rest!; so when 99.9% of them have never committed acts of terrorism either, then being religious and angry at the ME doesn't create a British Muslim terrorist either!.. So This is another false assumption!..
This includes the extremist preachers too! who is the most accused of this!. They too have only had about 1%, from amongst them, who committed terrorist attacks on British soil! or colluded to! which is again just a tiny fraction of them too. So to associate their extreme beliefs of Islam, with anger for the ME, as a lethal cocktail that creates terrorists, is another wrongful assumption to make; because it hasn't made terrorists out of the other 99% of them.
This is Because the terrorism we have suffered in this country has got nothing to do with religion! or it's not motivated by religion! as you can clearly now see! it's got to do with another determining factor, which truly needs understanding and needs to be separated from religion; because the inability to separate this, is what's causing further ongoing inflictions, which is also being unjust on Muslims and their faith too...
So what is this other factor that has created them?... And Who are these types of Muslims too!..?
It seems that one type, are those who might practice their faith, or might not!, who are definitely angry at what's happened in the ME, but who are also dysfunctional too!... Who, through their anger over the ME, and their dysfunctionality may act out on their anger!..
So although they are Muslims, who do devoutly follow their faith!, who are also angry at the ME; just like the other 99.9%, who also follow their faith and are also angry but never commit terrorism, they end up becoming this tiny little fraction of the terrorists, through their dysfunctional mentality!, and that's the difference!, between these Muslims, and the rest! who don't commit the terrorism!... Dysfunctionality becomes their determining factor, and that's what has influenced to create the terrorist, not the religion!..
One or two of them may have suffered from some sort of mental breakdown, during their general life, I don't know!, but what I can assure you is that they have definitely become mentally disturbed by the atrocities and despair they have seen and heard, which have taken place in the ME, and that this has played a big part in causing their mental breakdown... It's not to excuse them! it's just to let you know who they truly are, and what's created their mental disorder, which makes them kill in such ways.
Because a lot of this disturbance has come from what they've seen on the Internet, and even from mainstream news, regarding the atrocities committed in the ME, which was also instigated by our government.
Far too much of this disturbing stuff gets shown on the Internet, where even innocent women and children are seen killed, which makes people get consumed with rage, which is a lethal cocktail for an already depressed person to consume, which is why there is now a big fuss about this on the news, and why the authorities want Internet businesses to take responsibility for what they allow to be shown on the Internet, which includes what gets shown on Facebook too!..
Because Some people will just get angry at seeing this and still remain balanced and not commit terrorism, Whereas a tiny little fraction of others will also get angry but they will become unbalanced from it ( Dysfunctional), and the dysfunctional ones become the dangerous ones, and the potential terrorists!..
But the most dangerous ones from them, are those who have been to those lands and seen the atrocities at first hand, or heard about them at first hand too (which our government helped instigate), which is why anybody who has been there, who was not on charitable aid, or maybe even on charitable aid too, who decides to return! are the number one people on anti-terror watch lists!..
And then there are also some, who have gone to these lands, from Britain!, because they believe the war has been declared against Muslims of the Middle East when the West attacked the Middle East!.. They have gone there to fight for the Iraqis and others! and they are now also potentially dangerous too if they return!..
It is estimated that 800 odd have gone to join ISIS, which is still a tiny fraction of British Muslims, which is 0.03 % to be almost exact, who once lived in Britain but have now defected, to join the caliphates, who have declared war on those who attacked their lands.
And because of our attacks on the ME, the people of the ME (which may include the caliphates that got formed, out of the invasions and destabilising we did), have declared war against us; because let's just get a reality check here!; when you invade! bomb! and attack! people in their country, they will declare war against you! It's common sense, and it's what history has always dictated. And this is what's happened there too!..
And a declaration of war, amongst these Muslims, is also called 'Jihad'! because Jihad is also a reference given for 'war'!.(struggle). It doesn't need to be a holy war, or Islamic militancy, it's just 'war'... But It makes no difference what it's called!; the fact is that it's referring to ' being in war', Which is exactly the position we put them in when we attacked them; just like others would put us in too, if we got attacked by them too!..
And a Jihadi!, is a reference given for 'soldier in war'! just like how we had soldiers, during our wars!. And this is what we created when we attacked the Middle East!; We created these Jihadis!..
So to try and associate religion for creating this Jihadi, just because the middle easterners and their sympathisers declared Jihad, is another silly association to make towards Islam creating them; because war is associated with a more practical reason, not just a religious reason! (because having to fight a war against those who attack you, is a practical element of life, not just a religious element of life, even if the war has been given a religious title for it( jihad)), which is how Islam is also wrongfully getting associated with creating these Jihadis...
Because the truth is that it wasn't Islam that created them!, it was our attacks on the ME that created them!.. We created most of these Jihadis!, from our first attacks, who have now declared war against us!..
So if any British Muslim, who has become a Jihadi and gone there to fight with them, decides to return to Britain, they could be returning to us as an enemy of the state; which is why they are the most dangerous to us!...
They could even be returning as soldiers /Jihadi's of this war, to attack our innocent, like how we attacked the innocent people of the ME too!... This is why these types of returning Muslims are now banned from returning, and it's because they can be returning to attack us back!
So understand that these are some of the main types of Brtish Muslim terrorists, who do hold a danger to our society!. There are a few other types, but these are some!... But also understand that they are all just a tiny little fraction of the whole British Muslim population and that none of them was created by religion, they were all created by the attacks of the ME.
So when it all points to the wars and invasions, which we instigated, which our politicians instigated on our behalf, creating these types of people, and it's not Islam that created them!, why does Islam get given the only association to this, when it's clearly the politicians who did it!...?
Because the news and politicians have manipulated the truth. They have confused many people into failing to understand who the real culprits are, by manipulating the truth and putting responsibility on the religion, through silly extremists, who have foolishly helped them to do it! ( as I explained in my last post).
And as I've said before, this is not to excuse these terrorists; because they do wrong!, even according to the Quran!, by killing innocent people!. All I'm doing is to just show you who truly is to blame for all this, and why there is a terrible injustice taking place, which is blaming religion for it, even if it has an extreme element towards it, instead of pointing fingers at the true creators and instigators of this whole mess..
Because Islam, in Britain, has existed for over a hundred years, and no British Muslim, in all this time, has ever committed any acts of terrorism against this country and its people, up until we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. So please try to comprehend this!; 'that the religion of Islam has never created one single terrorist! in Britain!, who attacked Britain in a terrorist method, for all that time! up until then'!.
Also!, Extremism in Britain has existed for many decades too, among hundreds of Muslims, who have lived in Britain, but they never committed terrorism from these beliefs either. I had an uncle who was quite extreme too, in the practising and talking about the faith, and He, unfortunately, has died!, just In case the FBI want to now question him!, but he would never commit acts of terrorism!..
This is why there truly is only one dominating factor, or reason!, for why Britain has suddenly seen a tiny fraction of Muslims become terrorists,, and its because of the actions of these daft plums, seen in the picture, who decided to invade these other lands, which was proven to be motivated by lies, which has now created terrorism against us, and not because Islam created it!..
We all need to start pointing fingers at the true culprits so that we can start putting a stop to it all...

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