zondag 29 mei 2022

Life in America’s Culture of Ultraviolence

  Life in America’s Culture of Ultraviolence

“I hated having the power to kill someone,” my father  once told me about carrying a gun. But many, many Americans seem to love it.

WHEN I WAS 6 years old, I learned from my mother that my father had sometimes carried a gun. When he was a lieutenant in the Army, she told me, he would be “officer of the day” once a month. Usually soldiers didn’t walk around base armed, but when he was officer of the day, he was responsible for patrolling the barracks and had to carry a loaded revolver.

Further Reading: https://theintercept.com/2022/05/25/gun-violence-american-culture/?utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=theintercept&utm_medium=social

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