donderdag 16 december 2021



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How The Black Education Movement Took On The Racist Schools System

By Emmanuel Onapa, Black Agenda Report. The fight to end racial disparities that continue to blight the British education system has been energised by the Black Lives Matter  movement, with a growing number of campaign groups joining the push to bring about real change in UK schools. Grassroots organizations such as No More Exclusions (NME)  are aiming to end exclusions that disproportionately impact Black boys, while the Black Curriculum  is leading the fight to make Black history mandatory on the UK curriculum. And the fact it has already helped to do so in Wales suggests things may finally be changing.  -more-

Despite Appeals, US Denies Possibility Of Unfreezing Afghan Assets

By Peoples Dispatch. US White House press secretary Jen Psaki clarified on Tuesday, December 14 said that the government has no plan to unfreeze Afghanistan’s assets. Psaki was responding to a public call by Afghanistan’s foreign minister Amir Khan Muttaqi made a day earlier to unfreeze the assets. The US government had announced a freeze of nearly USD 10 billion worth of Afghanistan’s assets days after the Taliban took over power in the country on August 15, claiming the possibility of misuse of the funds. It also severed all diplomatic relations with Afghanistan after the complete withdrawal of its troops on August 30.  -more-

Tribal Communities Organize To Stop Sites Reservoir

By Last Real Indians. Tribal activists, drinking water advocates, and commercial and subsistence fishers are asking the public to stand with them in the fight for both the Trinity and Sacramento River salmon by supporting a California state process to restore flows in California’s largest rivers, and by fighting a proposal for a twenty square mile reservoir, the Sites Reservoir. They are asking the public to attend an online Virtual Rally and Public Testimony Training on December 6, a state hearing on the Sacramento, San Joaquin and Bay Delta flows on the December 8 at 9 a.m. and Sites Reservoir related public hearings on December 15... -more-

Kellogg's Strikers: We Want A Clear Path Out Of Two-Tier, Set In Stone

By Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes. In contract talks with its 1,400 workers this summer, Kellogg's proposed to remove the union logo from its cereal boxes. It's an indication of the company's overall plan, said strikers on the Battle Creek, Michigan picket line this weekend. “Their long-term goal is to bust the union,” said Michelle Fulcher, a warehouse crew leader at the company's flagship plant. Kellogg’s workers in four states have been on strike since October 5. Their top issue is the company’s efforts to expand its two-tier system. “Going into negotiations we had four things we were going to be hard-nosed on,” Fulcher said: “Keep our pension... -more-

Columbia Student Workers Defy University’s Strikebreaking Threats

By Jesse Thomas And Daniel De Vries, WSWS. Last week saw a sharp escalation of the strike by 3,000 student workers at Columbia University in New York City, which continues in the face of strikebreaking threats by the administration. In an effort to shut down the walkout before finals, the university warned striking student workers that it might replace them in the Spring semester if they remained on strike beyond Friday, December 10. Columbia workers rejected this attempt at economic blackmail and held out on the picket line. A poll conducted by the Student Workers of Columbia union (SWC) bargaining committee found that 87 percent of union... -more-

Russia And Israel – A Double Standard In International Condemnation

By Gavin O'Reilly, Popular Resistance. Over the past month, in a break from its usual focus on COVID-19, the Western mainstream media has dedicated a sizeable amount of coverage to unverified claims by unnamed US intelligence officials that the Russian Federation is planning an imminent military invasion of its western neighbour Ukraine – under the rule of the successive US-EU friendly governments of Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky since 2014, when the CIA-orchestrated Euromaidan colour revolution toppled the pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych, following his November 2013 decision to suspend... -more-

Reverend William Barber Leads Moral Monday Action At US Capitol

By John Zangas, DC Media Group. Washington DC — Community organizers and faith leaders from 33 States converged on the U.S. Capitol to demand passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R. 4) and the Build Back Better Bill (H.R. 5376), now pending Senate approval. They chastised West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin for his role in delaying passage of the legislation which would provide protection for voting rights and financial relief for millions of impoverished Americans. Reverend William Barber called out Senator Joe Manchin by name for playing a “trick” on his constituents by delaying a vote in the Senate... -more-

Europe Finally Recognizes Platform Workers Aren’t Self-Employed

By Ben Wray, The Real News Network. Sometimes change comes from the most unlikely of places. The European Commission—the unelected body of technocrats that designs European Union legislation—isn’t exactly known as a friend of the worker. EU commissioners and their staff are more likely to be found having coffee with corporate lobbyists than rubbing shoulders with the working class. Yet, last week, the EU Commission proposed what some are hailing as the most pro-worker reform to come out of the EU in years—a directive to regulate platform work. Often unfairly treated as self-employed, platform workers are now to be considered... -more-

Interview With Iran’s Chief Nuclear Deal Negotiator Dr. Ali Bagheri

By Richard Medhurst, Press TV. Richard Medhurst sits down with Iran's chief negotiator Dr. Ali Bagheri for an exclusive interview during the 7th round of Vienna talks. Medhurst and Bagheri discuss how the talks are progressing, Iran's recent draft proposals, threats and intimidation by Israel, and whether Iran can trust the Americans not to break the deal again. -more-

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Jewish Israeli Terror

  Sulaiman Ahmed @ShaykhSulaiman JUST IN: Israeli newspaper Haaretz shares footage documenting the violations and assaults suffered by Pales...