maandag 28 januari 2019

Advanced Social Decay

Posted: 27 Jan 2019 10:02 PM PST
It is difficult for me to write this article, and I will warn you in advance that some of the things in this piece are going to make you cringe.  Today, there are an increasing number of signs that the very fabric of our society is rotting away all around us.  We witnessed a very clear example of this last week when Kyrsten Sinema paraded around on the floor of the U.S. Senate looking like a hooker, but far more telling is what is going on behind closed doors all across America.  The stories that I am about to share with you barely made a blip on the news, but they should have, because they are all indications of how far our nation has fallen.
Let’s start in Colorado.  A 27-year-old man named Christopher Wayne Cleary was just arrested on terrorism charges after he threatened to shoot “as many girls as I see”
Authorities said Christopher Wayne Cleary, of Denver, posted on his Facebook page that “Theres nothing more dangerous than man ready to die.”
“All I wanted was a girlfriend, not 1000 not a bunch of hoes not money none of that,” he wrote, according to a probable-cause statement cited by authorities. “All I wanted was to be loved, yet no one cares about me I’m 27 years old and I’ve never had a girlfriend before and I’m still a virgin, this is why I’m planning on shooting up a public place soon and being the next mass shooter cause I’m ready to die and all the girls the turned me down is going to make it right by killing as many girls as I see.”
Thankfully authorities were able to arrest him before he was able to carry out his threats, but the sad truth is that there are thousands upon thousands more young men out there just like him.
These young men feel like failures if they can’t get young women to sleep with them, and this message is reinforced by popular culture over and over again.
But that isn’t what “being a man” is all about.
Unfortunately, the only values that many of our young men have are the values that they have been fed by Hollywood, and Christopher Wayne Cleary was so frustrated with his inability to live up to the Hollywood ideal that he was ready to go on a mass shooting spree.
Next, let me share a story with you about a young mother in Florida.  When police recently arrived at the home of Angelica Crites, she didn’t respond.  So they entered the home and when she still didn’t respond they had to pry her bedroom door open.
But she still didn’t wake up when they did that.  In fact, it took authorities several minutes to finally wake her up.
And when they looked around the house, what they discovered was like something out of a horror movie
There was an “overwhelming odor of ammonia and feces,” and large spider webs were along the ceilings and door frames. Food and dirt was all over the floor in the living room and dining room. A mop bucket filled with dirty water and food pieces was in the dining room, the report said.
The dining room had a large amount of trash in the corner and underneath a table to make food. The refrigerator was unsanitary with food, dirt and stains all over the inside and outside. Numerous insects were flying around the house.
The condition of her children was even worse.  They were filthy dirty and their teeth “were black and gray” from a lack of care.
On top of everything else, animal feces had literally been smeared throughout the house
The floor leading to the bathroom had animal feces smeared on it. Mold and animal feces was in the corner of the hall by the bathroom door.
Crites and her children shared a bedroom, where there was a large pile of clothes in the corner, dirt on the floor and several red cups on a shelf containing an unknown black liquid and cigarette butts, the report said.
In her bathroom, there were several piles of animal feces on the floor and in the bathtub, and some smeared on the floor, the report said.
It is easy to criticize anyone that lives like that, but the truth is that what we are doing to ourselves as a nation is even worse.
We need to be praying for children all across America, because so many of them are living in absolutely horrific situations and they have no way to escape.
For example, consider what recently happened to one precious child in Indiana
Back on January 14th, a young child was taken to Union Hospital.
That’s according to court documents.
Police, DCS, and emergency room staff say the child had a split tongue, several bruises, and other injuries.
That child was later transported to Riley Hospital in Indianapolis.
While there, hospital staff determined an object, most likely scissors, were used to split the child’s tongue.
How evil do you have to be to do something like that?
But this is who we have become as a nation.  And things like this happen so frequently that this story barely made a blip on the national news.
Almost everyone can put up a pretty decent facade in public, but it is the things that happen behind closed doors that define who we truly are.  And what one man in Arizona recently did is almost too sickening for words
A nurse has been arrested in the sexual assault of an incapacitated woman who gave birth at a Phoenix nursing facility, Arizona police said Wednesday.
Nathan Sutherland, 36, was a licensed practical nurse at Hacienda Skilled Nursing Facility, where the woman gave birth.
The female patient had been in a vegetative state facility for at least 14 years after a near-drowning incident.
Some of you may be thinking that “this is just one guy”, but the truth is that there are more than 850,000 registered sex offenders in the United States today.
And that is just the people that have been caught.  Imagine how many more there are that have not been caught.
So no, this is not just “an isolated incident”.  We are a nation that is literally teeming with sexual predators.
Lastly, I want to share with you the story of Logan and Daley South.  They both wear fangs and they both drink blood, and they opened up about their relationship with their “girlfriend” Ilona on a recent episode of Extreme Love
‘I don’t like the way blood tastes. I find it inconvenient to have to do regularly,’ Daley admits. ‘I’m someone that needs it, but I’m not a big fan of it. For Logan, it can be very sexual for him.’
Although Logan and Daley both wear fangs, they don’t need to bite into Ilona’s neck and gorge on her blood like a scene in a horror movie to feel satisfied.
In the clip, Daley uses the same tool that diabetics use to prick their fingers to draw Ilona’s blood before she and Logan begin hungrily sucking on her fingers.
If you took Americans from 200 years ago and showed them this, how do you think that they would react?
Needless to say, they would think that we have completely lost our minds.
And the sad truth is that we have definitely lost our way as a nation.  Our lack of values is producing absolutely horrific results, and it is getting worse with each passing day.
Get Prepared NowAbout the author: Michael Snyder is a nationally-syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including Get Prepared NowThe Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.  His articles are originally published on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News.  From there, his articles are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the nation.  If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so.  The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.
The post Advanced Social Decay: You Will Cringe When You Read What Has Been Going On Behind Closed Doors All Across America appeared first on The Economic Collapse.

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