donderdag 26 april 2018

Tucker is Back

Tucker is Back

After mysteriously disappearing last week, Tucker Carlson returned to waging war on the globalist establishment Monday.

Tucker is Back
Following a three day absence conspicuously taking place after his critical coverage of the Syria strikes, Tucker Carlson returned to television on Monday. Carlson has been critical of US involvement in Syria consistently for the past year. However his questioning of the legitimacy of the alleged gas attack by Bashar al-Assad left many wondering if he had crossed the line with Fox and received a suspension.
The absence began the day after Carlson had a very interesting interview with the former UK ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford. Ford questioned if there really was a chemical attack in Douma earlier this month. He discussed journalists who talked with doctors at the hospital who claimed there was no chemical attack. Ford also called out the supposed humanitarian group, the “White Helmets” for being a jihadist group. Ford claimed that the White Helmets came in with video cameras, screaming about gas, and began to hose people while recording, without any evidence of such an attack.
Ford broke two unspoken rules here. First, he pointed out that the supposed humanitarian group behind all of the HD videos that have led to scrutiny on Assad is actually an Islamist opposition group with no credibility. Second, he questioned the extremely shaky official narrative of a gas attack on women and children. The latter was the element that made me wonder if Carlson was being punished. By voicing agreement with Ford, Tucker joined a group that consists mostly of the Alt-Right—a dangerous place to be.
Tucker refused to give cover to an obvious lie. If there was one thing that would get him in trouble with his employer, it was questioning a war for Israel.
Then Carlson returned on Monday. The situation has not been addressed publicly, but Carlson has showed no ill effects, attacking the corrupt establishment and hitting one nationalist talking point after another. On Monday, he sounded more similar to a TRS personality than a Fox News pundit.
The best thing Carlson does is consistently ask all the right questions. Of the van attack in Toronto, he said, “More people want to hurt strangers than ever before for some reason. The bonds that hold society together are obviously fraying. Why is that?” This is a question every reasonable White person in this country (and the West in general) is asking themselves. Why is our society so screwed up? What happened? Of course, there is no way to address that question without discussing immigration and race.
Tucker also asked, “What makes a cohesive, successful society?” The answer to that is so obvious that he has to know what he is doing. Homogeneous White countries make cohesive, successful societies and everyone knows it.
Carlson rounded out his show by decrying social media censorship (something affecting the Alt-Right more than anyone), criticizing activist leftist professors, and attacking the Russia collusion conspiracy. His performance Monday shows us why Tucker Carlson is the most powerful advocate for the American Right today. Whatever the reason for his short absence, Tucker is back.

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