zaterdag 28 april 2018

Chris Hedges With Mark Crispin Miller on the Destruction of an Independent Press

In a recent episode of "On Contact," his video series on the RT network, Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges speaks with Mark Crispin Miller, a professor of media studies at New York University, about the destruction of the independent press in the United States.
Hedges calls attention to the algorithms of Facebook, Google and Twitter, and how they steer traffic away from anti-war and progressive websites, while Miller speaks of the frightening historical precedent of the homogenization of the press.
"I think what we have seen over the decades since the mid-'70s, and I'm going to make a provocative comparison here, is something analogous to what the Nazis called gleichschaltung, which means streamlining," Miller says. "When they came to power, they made it their business to make sure that not only all media outlets but all industries, all sectors of the culture, would be streamlined, which meant getting rid of anyone who was not fully on board with the Nazi program."
Miller adds that this is "unprecedented in American experience." He says, "Even ten years ago I would have flinched if someone compared our press to the Nazi press."
Watch the full conversation in the player above.
--posted by Emily Wells

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