vrijdag 27 april 2018

Mainstream Media Attitude

Provincial reporter Rupert Evelyn from the British commercial network ITV.

 Comments 12

ITV Journo accuses Russian OPCW Ambassador of threatening a child…

6 Votes

Please note, that as of the time of posting, NO evidence has been cited that these people have changed their story, and NO evidence has been cited that they have been threatened in any way. 

Rupert Evelyn from ITV news. 

A question first for our Syrian visitors: How threatened do you have to feel to change your story and deny a chemical weapons attack?

And a question for you ambassador: How low do you have to go to bring a little child all the way here and threaten them?
If you have an opinion you wish to express to Mr Evelyn re:journalistic standards of behaviour, feel free to contact him through his twitter. Please remember to be polite.

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