zaterdag 28 april 2018

Russia gate Turns Out to Be Fake News of The Liberal Mass Media

Russiagate, Russiagate, wherefore art thou Russiagate?

The Democrats’ romance with Russophobia will not be bounded as long as Trump remains in office

The US House Intelligence Committee declared on Friday that its Russia investigation is ending its career without fruitful achievement. The final reports reveals that ‘no evidence’ of collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential elections.
The report joins a class of other baseless accusations with Russia at the center of them, whether it is somehow attempting to assassinate a useless former double agent and his daughter using a banned nerve agent, or supporting a tyrannical regime as it employs chemical an nerve agents on its own citizensdoping up its athletes for enhanced performance in global competitions, to hacking the elections of just about everybody.
While complicity and a conspiracy to manipulate the election outcome on Trump’s part, or that of his campaign, was not part of the report’s finding, it did take the time to criticize the campaigns of both Trump and Clinton for their ‘poor judgment and ill-considered actions’ relevant to the Russians.
However, while the Republicans are more certain of the innocence of the Trump campaign than the White House was of Assad’s guilt for the April 7th suspected gas attack, they have no illusions about the Russian regime’s conspiracy to influence Western elections, and maybe even beyond.
Reuters reports:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Russia ran an information warfare campaign to disrupt the 2016 U.S. presidential election, but there is no evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Moscow, Republicans on a congressional panel said in a report released on Friday.
The findings of majority Republicans on the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee were immediately challenged by minority Democrats following a year of rancorous disputes on a panel whose role is to oversee intelligence agencies in a spirit of bipartisanship. Republicans, over Democratic objections, voted in March to end the committee’s investigation of election meddling.
The 253-page report was seized on by Trump, a Republican, who posted its conclusions on Twitter and repeated his view that the Russian investigation is “A total Witch Hunt! MUST END NOW!” despite probes by a U.S. special counsel and other congressional committees that are still open.
Trump has repeatedly denied receiving help from Moscow for his election campaign. The Kremlin denies meddling in the election.
The heavily redacted Republican report contains little new information about Russia’s election interference or the Trump teams contacts with Russia.
Naturally, the Democrats are slamming the legitimacy of the finding of the Intelligence Committee report with the allegation that it is biased in Trump’s favour.
Multiple investigations have been launched into the black hole that is the Russiagate scandal, and none of them have returned with evidence to substantiate the allegations against the Trump campaign, in much the same manner as investigations launched to probe or legitimize other anti-Russian allegations only to come up empty handed.
However, the Democrats are intent to find a way to cast aspersions on Trump’s legitimacy, and if an investigation runs counter to their agenda, then the investigation is is error or is conspiring against them or in Trump’s favour.
The push to de-legitimize Trump, however, isn’t so much that they find his policy entirely reprehensible, as much as it is the person of Trump. Trump has engaged in a great deal of things that the Democrats turn a blind eye to, and a considerable number of policies both domestic and international go without the attention of the leftist media because it is too focused on the person and office of Trump, rather than what he is doing. Hence, the problem, for the Democratic party and liberal media, is not so much that they disagree with Trump, but that Trump is Trump.

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