donderdag 26 april 2018

Let's compare Syria and Saudi Arabia

Let's compare Syria and Saudi Arabia shall we?
1a. Syria is under attack by the US although it has never threatened nor has ever been a threat to America.
1b. The "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" (KSA) is considered a great ally of the US although it is the world's leading supporter and exporter of terrorists including ISIS, al Qaeda, the Taliban, Boko Haram etc. 
2a. Syria respects and protects all religions. There are over 20 religious sects. It is roughly 90% Muslim of different sects and 10% Christian. Virtually every major denomination of Christian churches are present. There are active synagogues in Syria. Also many atheists.
2b. KSA persecutes Shiite Muslims, allows no churches or synagogues and fines, whips, imprisons and sometimes executes by beheading religious dissidents against their ISIS like Wahhabi ideology. 
3a. Women in Syria are empowered and respected. They are involved in every level of society. They wear what they wish. They're government leaders, business owners, scientists, doctors, professors, artists, etc.
3b. Women in KSA are considered basically property of their male guardians. They are forced thru violence to be fully covered and veiled. 
4a. Syria has an elected president, parliament and popularly ratified constitution. 
4b. There has never been an election for leader in KSA, ever. The "kingdom" is passed from father to son and brother to brother. Their "constitution" is a harsh, medieval, intolerant version of sharia law imposed via ISIS like punishments for disobedience. 
5a. Syria has been fighting ISIS, al Qaeda, and dozens (maybe 100s) of other terrorist groups that all share the same ideology as ISIS, al Qaeda and Saudi Arabia for over seven years.
5b. KSA has been sponsoring ISIS, al Qaeda and other terrorist groups in Syria. The Saudis are also slaughtering and starving Yemen.
You want me to be ashamed of supporting Syria while western politicians literally bow down to the utterly depraved Saud "royals" for weapons sales and oil???

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