woensdag 2 maart 2016

Vluchtelingenstroom 74

In zijn boek A History Of Bombing (2001) wijst de auteur en voormalig Zweeds cultureel attaché in China, Sven Lindqvist, op het feit dat de machtigen niet per definitie voor het belang van de eigen bevolking kiezen. Lindqvist onthulde het volgende: 

1918. Several months later when the war was over, a demand was made that the German pilots who had bombed London be brought to trial as war criminals. The British Air Ministry protested. Trials of that sort 'would be placing a noose round the necks of our airmen in future wars.' Since the aim of the British air attacks against German cities had been 'to weaken the morale of civilian inhabitants (and thereby their 'will to win') by persistent bomb attacks which would both destroy life (civilian and otherwise) and if possible originate a conflagration which should reduce to ashes the whole town,' the application of the Hague Convention in these cases would defeat the very purpose of bombardment. 

This was top secret. Publicly the air force continued to say something quite different, just as the navy had done throughout the 19th century. This was the best tack to take, wrote the air staff in 1921: 'It may be thought better, in view of the allegations of the of the 'barbarity' of air attacks, to preserve appearances by formulating milder rules and by still nominally confining bombardment to targets which are strictly military in character... to avoid emphasizing the truth that air warfare has made such restrictions obsolete and impossible.' 

De officiële houding van de macht in een -- formeel gesproken -- 'democratie' is zonder overdrijven revolutionair te noemen, extremistisch, totalitair, en zelfs terroristisch, tenminste als men de definitie hanteert van het Amerikaanse Leger Handboek, waarbij terrorisme omschreven wordt als 'het bewust geplande gebruik van geweld of dreiging van geweld om doelen te bereiken die politiek, religieus, of ideologisch van aard zijn.' Aangezien het bombarderen van de burgerbevolking tot doel heeft, ik citeer de Britse autoriteiten, 'to weaken the morale of civilian inhabitants (and thereby their 'will to win') by persistent bomb attacks which would both destroy life (civilian and otherwise) and if possible originate a conflagration which should reduce to ashes the whole town,' kan de lezer er blind van uitgaan dat de NAVO-strategie van 'Shock and Awe' bewust erop gericht is zo grootschalig mogelijk terrorisme toe te passen 'to weaken the morale of civilian inhabitants.' En wat de ene macht kan, kan de andere ook, met andere woorden: zowel de macht in een democratie als die in een dictatuur offert de eigen bevolking op zodra het gaat om een overwinning te boeken. Dit veelzeggende feit vormt de achtergrond van elke oproep om met geweld politieke doelen te bereiken. Vandaar dat ik stel dat een opiniemaker als Marcel Kurpershoek een pleitbezorger van terrorisme is, want ook deze oud NAVO-diplomaat weet dat de meeste slachtoffers van modern oorlogsgeweld onder de weerloze burgerbevolking vallen, met de zwaksten als eersten: vrouwen, kinderen, bejaarden. De vraag is nu: hoe kan de mens zich wapenen tegen misdadigers wanneer de Kurpershoeken in de commerciële massamedia aansporen tot nog meer geweld? Ik denk allereerst door hen met feiten te bestrijden en die via internet te verspreiden, want de mainstream-media censureren. Zo stelt Kurpershoek in de NRC van 23 februari 2016 ondermeer:

De Russische opmars in Syrië maakt de vernedering van de Turkse president Erdogan compleet. Hoe hij daarop gaat reageren is moeilijk te voorspellen. Zijn woede over de opstelling van Obama en Europa valt af te meten aan de steeds dreigender taal die hij uitslaat.

Turkije wordt als slachtoffer gepresenteerd van de 'opstelling van Obama en Europa,' die tezamen met de Koerden ISIS militair bestrijden. Dit bevalt Kurpershoek geenszins, want volgens hem  is 'Het grootste kwaad in Syrië niet IS (ISIS. svh), maar Assad.’  En daarom moet NAVO-lid Turkije juist gesteund worden in zijn strijd tegen de Syrische en Iraakse Koerden. Uiteindelijk gaat het de Atlanticus natuurlijk niet om de Koerden, maar om Rusland, dat meestrijdt tegen het terrorisme van ISIS en andere soennitische terroristische groeperingen. Belangrijk is het door Kurpershoek angstvallig verzwegen feit dat de fundamentalistische ISIS militair gesteund wordt door onder andere de regering Erdogan. Maar dit uitgebreid gedocumenteerde feit is in zijn NAVO-ideologie van ondergeschikt belang. Veel belangrijker voor het miljarden verslindende westerse militair-industrieel complex is dat NAVO-lid Turkije wordt gesteund in zijn strijd tegen Rusland. Voor Kurpershoek speelt hier een persoonlijk belang bij: zijn inkomen en aanzien is zijn werkzaam leven lang afhankelijk geweest van zijn inzet voor het agressieve westerse establishment en zijn militair-industrieel complex. Niet voor niets is hij momenteel in dienst van de 'New York University Abu Dhabi,' dezelfde instelling waarover Amnesty International in 2015 het volgende berichtte:

In April, an investigative report commissioned by a UAE government agency found that thousands of migrant construction workers employed at New York University’s campus in Abu Dhabi had been forced to pay steep recruitment fees and had their passports confiscated, despite university guidelines designed to ensure fair working and living conditions. Domestic workers, overwhelmingly women, remained excluded from the protections afforded to other migrant workers and faced physical violence, confinement to places of work, and other abuses. Workers who engaged in strikes or other forms of collective action faced arrest and deportation.

The authorities’ intolerance of criticism of their record on migrant workers was underlined when, in March, they denied entry to Professor Andrew Ross, an expert on labour issues at New York University.

Human Rights Watch: 'United Arab Emirates authorities in 2015 arbitrarily detained and in some cases forcibly disappeared people who criticized official policies, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2016. There were credible allegations that security forces tortured people held in pretrial detention.

A ministerial decree that took effect in January 2016 could help protect low-paid migrant workers from deceptive recruitment practices that can contribute to forced labor, but authorities denied access to the country to scholars and activists who had criticized the UAE’s treatment of migrant workers. The UAE also passed an anti-discrimination law with broadly worded provisions that could further jeopardize free speech. The law itself is discriminatory in that it excludes protection against discrimination based on gender and sexuality.'

Dat Marcel Kurpershoek's verontwaardiging over de schending van mensenrechten uiterst selectief is, blijkt ondermeer uit het feit dat hij werkzaam is als 'senior fellow in Arabic poetry and culture at New York University Abu Dhabi' in Abu Dhabi, de hoofdstad van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, een verzameling Golfstaatjes die geleid wordt door Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahayan, de heerser van Abu Dhabi. In haar meest recente rapport meldt Amnesty International onder andere het volgende:


The authorities arbitrarily restricted freedom of expression, arresting and prosecuting government critics. A new law on combating discrimination and hatred imposed further limits on the rights to freedom of expression and association. Security forces subjected dozens of people to enforced disappearance. Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees was common. Prisoners of conscience remained imprisoned following unfair trials. Women faced discrimination in law and in practice. Migrant workers were inadequately protected by law and faced exploitation and abuse. The death penalty remained in force and there was one execution.


In March, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) joined the Saudi Arabia-led international coalition that engaged in the armed conflict in Yemen (see Yemen entry).

In May, the authorities denied entry to an Amnesty International representative who had been invited to speak at a construction industry conference in Dubai.

Freedom of expression

The authorities used provisions of the Penal Code, the 2012 cybercrime law and the 2014 anti-terrorism law to arrest, prosecute and imprison critics. In July, the enactment of a new law on combating discrimination and hatred further eroded rights to freedom of expression and association. The new law defines hate speech as “any speech or conduct which may incite sedition, prejudicial action or discrimination among individuals or groups”, punishable by a minimum of five years’ imprisonment. It also empowers the courts to order the disbandment of associations deemed to provoke such speech and imprison their founders for a minimum of 10 years.

In February, state security officials arrested three sisters, Dr Alyaziyah, Asma and Mariam Khalifa al-Suwaidi, after they posted comments on Twitter relating to their brother, a prisoner of conscience. The women were subjected to enforced disappearance for three months; they were released in May…

Enforced disappearances

State security forces arrested dozens of people, including foreign nationals and peaceful government critics, and subjected them to enforced disappearance. They were detained incommunicado in secret locations, in some cases for more than a year.

In August, Dr Nasser bin Ghaith, an academic, economist and former prisoner of conscience, was subjected to enforced disappearance by state security officers after he criticized 'Arab dictators' on Twitter. His whereabouts remained undisclosed at the end of the year.

Torture and other ill-treatment

Some of those who were formerly subjected to enforced disappearance said security officials had tortured and otherwise ill-treated them in detention. The authorities denied they had used torture, and failed to independently investigate, ignoring the recommendation in May of the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers that the government should appoint an independent committee of experts to investigate allegations of torture.

Unfair trials

The authorities used vague and overly broad provisions of the Penal Code, cybercrime law and anti-terrorism law to prosecute dozens of people before the State Security Chamber of the Federal Supreme Court, whose verdicts are not subject to appeal, in breach of international fair trial standards. One defendant sentenced to death by the Court was executed two weeks later (see below).

In August, a mass trial of 41 people was held before the State Security Chamber of the Federal Supreme Court. Charges included “plotting to overthrow the government and replace it with an ISIL-like ‘caliphate’”. The defendants included at least 21 people whom the state security forces had subjected to 20 months of enforced disappearance since their arrests in November and December 2013.

Women’s rights

Women continued to face discrimination in law and in practice. In July, a court sentenced an 18-year-old woman to nine months’ imprisonment for engaging in illicit relationships with men. She was 16 years old when arrested and had been released on bail.

Rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people

In February, two transgender women, both foreign nationals, were charged with being disguised as women and entering a place restricted only to women. They were jailed until they each paid a fine and were then deported.

Migrant workers’ rights

Migrant workers continued to face exploitation and abuse despite protective provisions contained in the 1980 Labour Law and subsequent decrees. The kafala sponsorship system made workers vulnerable to abuse by their employers…

Death penalty

The death penalty remained in force for murder and other offences, and courts continued to hand down death sentences. On 29 June, the State Security Chamber of the Federal Supreme Court sentenced Alaa al-Hashemi to death on terrorism charges. The authorities executed her on 13 July. She had been denied the right of appeal.

Maar deze terreur leidt kenmerkend genoeg niet tot een oproep van Marcel Kurpershoek om met westers geweld een regime-change in de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten af te dwingen. Evenmin is voor hem de Joods-Israelische terreur tegen de Palestijnse bevolking en de terreur van Saudi-Arabië, gesteund door ondermeer Abu Dhabi, aanleiding geweest te pleiten voor humanitair ingrijpen. Als elke carrièrist in de geschiedenis is ook Kurpershoek een poseur die weet hoe hij de schijn moet ophouden door niet buiten de officiële consensus te treden. Hij weet wie hij moet aanvallen en vooral ook wie niet. Zijn weerzin blijft beperkt tot de zelf gekozen vijanden van de NAVO.  En dus voelt Kurpershoek zich gedwongen om de volgende voorstelling van zaken te geven:

Assad, Rusland, Iran en zijn Hezbollah en andere sjiitische hulptroepen zijn aan de winnende hand. Het Assad-regime heeft onlangs openlijk steun uitgesproken voor de Koerdische YPG – dezelfde PKK-tak die het front aanvoert waar de VS-coalitie tegen IS (inclusief Nederland) op leunt. Met hulp van Russische bombardementen is de YPG bezig van eerdere Turkse rode lijnen een lachertje te maken. Het Russische doel is om het geschil tussen Amerika en Turkije over de Koerdische rol in Syrië te vergroten en tot uitbarsting te brengen. Daarmee wordt tegelijk een wig gedreven in de NAVO – de tegenstrever die Poetin zoveel mogelijk onderuit wil halen.

De 'rode lijnen' die Turkije heeft getrokken zijn vooral die waarlangs de militaire en logistieke steun lopen die dit NAVO-land verleent aan de ISIS-terroristen. Eén van de andere 'rode lijnen' is dat op 1 juli 2015 bekend werd gemaakt dat: 

Turkey will consider any incursion west of the Euphrates River in northern Syria along the Turkish border by the Democratic Union Party (PYD), as well as any attack north of Idlib by Syrian regime forces, as violation of a 'red line.' The government made the decision  at a National Security Council (MGK) meeting on June 29, media reports say.

The MGK released a statement saying that 'developments in Syria were comprehensively discussed, possible threats were evaluated, and possible additional security measures were stressed,' following the meeting.

The Turkish government aims to convey a strong message to both ISIS and the PYD. Any move by these groups west of the Euphrates River, where the city of Jarablus is located, was declared a red line by Turkey because the river has become a natural border between ISIS and its nemesis PYD in northern Syria after Tal Abyad was captured by the Kurdish militia from ISIS on June 15.

In de extremistische visie van Kurpershoek, is het een 'vernedering' geweest voor president Erdogan dat hij niet in staat is gebleken de ISIS-terroristen in de Syrische plaats Jarabulus en directe omgeving te beschermen tegen de vrijheidsstrijders van de SDF en de YPG. Als pro-soennitische activist ziet Kurpershoek het zijn taak om te stellen dat de Syrische soevereiniteit niet meer bestaat en dat Turkije het recht heeft de interne aangelegenheden in dat land te bepalen. Op die wijze steunt hij het terrorisme van ISIS. Bekend is namelijk dat: 

A senior Western official familiar with a large cache of intelligence obtained this summer from a major raid on an ISIS safehouse told the Guardian that 'direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking ISIS members was now "undeniable."' The same official confirmed that Turkey, a longstanding member of NATO, is not just supporting ISIS, but also other jihadist groups, including Ahrar al-Sham and Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria. 'The distinctions they draw [with other opposition groups] are thin indeed,' said the official. 'There is no doubt at all that they militarily cooperate with both.'

In a rare insight into this brazen state-sponsorship of ISIS, a year ago Newsweek reported the testimony of a former ISIS communications technician, who had travelled to Syria to fight the regime of Bashir al-Assad.

The former ISIS fighter told Newsweek that Turkey was allowing ISIS trucks from Raqqa to cross the 'border, through Turkey and then back across the border to attack Syrian Kurds in the city of Serekaniye in northern Syria in February.' ISIS militants would freely travel 'through Turkey in a convoy of trucks,' and stop 'at safehouses along the way.'

A highly damning article by the Columbia University Institute for the Study of Human Rights, by David Phillips, reports the many ways that Turkey is supporting, abetting and enabling ISIS, stating,

'Columbia University's Program on Peace-building and Rights assigned a team of researchers in the United States, Europe, and Turkey to examine Turkish and international media, assessing the credibility of allegations. This report draws on a variety of international sources -- The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, BBC, Sky News, as well as Turkish sources, CNN Turk, Hurriyet Daily News, Taraf, Cumhuriyet, and Radikal among others.'

The list of allegations and support for the allegations that Phillips team put together include:

Turkey Provides Military Equipment to ISIS
Turkey Provided Transport and Logistical Assistance to ISIS Fighters
Turkey Provided Training to ISIS Fighters
Turkey Offers Medical Care to ISIS Fighters
Turkey Supports ISIS Financially Through Purchase of Oil
Turkey Assists ISIS Recruitment
Turkish Forces Are Fighting Alongside ISIS
Turkey Helped ISIS in Battle for Kobani
Turkey and ISIS Share a Worldview
Each of the allegations is supported by evidence, with links. For example, here's their section on Turkey helping ISIS sell oil:
Turkey Supports ISIS Financially Through Purchase of Oil

David L. Phillips zelf, 'Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights, Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights' berichtte al op 9 november 2014 in The Huffington Post dat:

On September 13, 2014, The New York Times reported on the Obama administration's efforts to pressure Turkey to crack down on ISIS extensive sales network for oil. James Phillips, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, argues that Turkey has not fully cracked down on ISIS's sales network because it benefits from a lower price for oil, and that there might even be Turks and government officials who benefit from the trade.

Fehim Taştekin wrote in Radikal on September 13, 2014 about illegal pipelines transporting oil from Syria to nearby border towns in Turkey. The oil is sold for as little as 1.25 liras per liter. Taştekin indicated that many of these illegal pipelines were dismantled after operating for 3 years, once his article was published.

According to Diken and OdaTV, David Cohen, a Justice Department official, says that there are Turkish individuals acting as middlemen to help sell ISIS's oil through Turkey.

On October 14, 2014, a German Parliamentarian from the Green Party accusedTurkey of allowing the transportation of arms to ISIS over its territory, as well as the sale of oil.

Terreur van de door Turkije gesteunde ISIS. Maar dit verzwijgt de activist Marcel Kurpershoek in de NRC.

Turkey Assists ISIS Recruitment

Kemal Kiliçdaroğlu claimed on October 14, 2014 that ISIS offices in Istanbul and Gaziantep are used to recruit fighters. On October 10, 2014, the mufti of Konya said that 100 people from Konya joined ISIS 4 days ago. (See: http://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/video/video/130347/Kilicdaroglu___Davutoglu_belge_istiyordun__al_sana_belge_.html andhttp://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/video/video/130347/Kilicdaroglu___Davutoglu_belge_istiyordun__al_sana_belge_.html and http://t24.com.tr/haber/kilicdaroglu-bizim-tezkere-onerimiz-millidir-yabanci-asker-de-isgal-de-yok-icerisinde,273829.)

  • OdaTV reports that Takva Haber serves as a propaganda outlet for ISIS to recruit Turkish-speaking individuals in Turkey and Germany. The address where this propaganda website is registered corresponds to the address of a school called Irfan Koleji, which was established by Ilim Yayma Vakfi, a foundation that was created by Erdogan and Davutoglu, among others. It is thus claimed that the propaganda site is operated from the school of the foundation started by AKP members.

  • Minister of Sports, Suat Kilic, an AKP member, visited Salafi jihadists who are ISIS supporters in Germany. The group is known for reaching out to supporters via free Quran distributions and raising funds to sponsor suicide attacks in Syria and Iraq by raising money.

• OdaTV released a video allegedly showing ISIS militants riding a bus in Istanbul.
Turkish Forces Are Fighting Alongside ISIS

• On October 7, 2014, IBDA-C, a militant Islamic organization in Turkey, pledged support to ISIS. A Turkish friend who is a commander in ISIS suggests that Turkey is "involved in all of this" and that "10,000 ISIS members will come to Turkey." A Huda-Par member at the meeting claims that officials criticize ISIS but in fact sympathize with the group (Huda-Par, the "Free Cause Party", is a Kurdish Sunni fundamentalist political party). BBP member claims that National Action Party (MHP) officials are close to embracing ISIS. In the meeting, it is asserted that ISIS militants come to Turkey frequently to rest, as though they are taking a break from military service. They claim that Turkey will experience an Islamic revolution, and Turks should be ready for jihad. (See: http://ilerihaber.org/istanbulda-isidcilerden-ic-savas-toplantisi/3807/  andhttp://www.adimlardergisi.com/bayramlasma-ve-gundeme-dair-sohbet-1-bolum/.)

  • Seymour Hersh maintains in the London Review of Books that ISIS conducted sarin attacks in Syria, and that Turkey was informed. 'For months there had been acute concern among senior military leaders and the intelligence community about the role in the war of Syria's neighbors, especially Turkey. Prime Minister Recep Erdogan was known to be supporting the al-Nusra Front, a jihadist faction among the rebel opposition, as well as other Islamist rebel groups. ''We knew there were some in the Turkish government,'' a former senior US intelligence official, who has access to current intelligence, told me, 'who believed they could get Assad's nuts in a vice by dabbling with a sarin attack inside Syria - and forcing Obama to make good on his red line threat.'

  • On September 20, 2014, Demir Celik, a Member of Parliament with the people's democratic party (HDP) claimed that Turkish Special Forces fight with ISIS.

Turkey Helped ISIS in Battle for Kobani

• Anwar Moslem, Mayor of Kobani, said on September 19, 2014: "Based on the intelligence we got two days before the breakout of the current war, trains full of forces and ammunition, which were passing by north of Kobane, had an-hour-and-ten-to-twenty-minute-long stops in these villages: Salib Qaran, Gire Sor, Moshrefat Ezzo. There are evidences, witnesses, and videos about this. Why is ISIS strong only in Kobane's east? Why is it not strong either in its south or west? Since these trains stopped in villages located in the east of Kobane, we guess they had brought ammunition and additional force for the ISIS." In the second article on September 30, 2014, a CHP delegation visited Kobani, where locals claimed that everything from the clothes ISIS militants wear to their guns comes from Turkey. (See http://www.kurdishquestion.com/kurdistan/west-kurdistan/an-exclusive-interview-with-premier-of-kobane-anwar-moslem-about-ongoing-isis-attacks/220-an-exclusive-interview-with-premier-of-kobane-anwar-moslem-about-ongoing-isis-attacks.html  and http://odatv.com/n.php?n=isid-saflarinda-savasan-turkiyeli-resmi-gorevliler-var--3009141200.)

  • Released by Nuhaber, a video shows Turkish military convoys carrying tanks and ammunition moving freely under ISIS flags in the Cerablus region and Karkamis border crossing (September 25, 2014). There are writings in Turkish on the trucks.

  • Salih Muslim, PYD head, claims that 120 militants crossed into Syria from Turkey between October 20th and 24th, 2014.

  • According to an op-ed written by a YPG commander in The New York Times on October 29, 2014, Turkey allows ISIS militants and their equipment to pass freely over the border.

  • Diken reported, 'ISIS fighters crossed the border from Turkey into Syria, over the Turkish train tracks that delineate the border, in full view of Turkish soldiers. They were met there by PYD fighters and stopped.'

  • A Kurdish commander in Kobani claims that ISIS militants have Turkish entry stamps on their passports.

  • Kurds trying to join the battle in Kobani are turned away by Turkish police at the Turkey-Syrian border.

  • OdaTV released a photograph of a Turkish soldier befriending ISIS militants.

Turkey and ISIS Share a Worldview

• RT reports on Vice President Joe Biden's remarks detailing Turkish support to ISIS.

  • According to the Hurriyet Daily News on September 26, 2014, 'The feelings of the AKP's heavyweights are not limited to Ankara. "I was shocked to hear words of admiration for ISIL from some high-level civil servants even in Şanliurfa. They are like us, fighting against seven great powers in the War of Independence,'' one said. "Rather than the [Kurdistan Workers' Party] PKK on the other side, I would rather have ISIL as a neighbor,'' said another.'

  • Cengiz Candar, a well-respected Turkish journalist, maintained that MIT helped 'midwife' the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria, as well as other Jihadi groups.

  • An AKP council member posted on his Facebook page: 'Thankfully ISIS exists... May you never run out of ammunition…'

  • A Turkish Social Security Institution supervisor uses the ISIS logo in internal correspondences.

  • Bilal Erdogan and Turkish officials meet alleged ISIS fighters.

Mr. Phillips is Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University's Institute for the Study of Human Rights. He served as a Senior Adviser and Foreign Affairs Expert for the U.S. Department of State.

On 10 October 2015 at 10:04 local time (EEST) in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, two bombs were detonated outside Ankara Central railway station. As of 16 October 2015, the death toll stands at 102 and more than 400 people were injured. The bombs appeared to target a 'Labour, Peace and Democracy' rally organised by the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK), the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) and the Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK). The peace march was held to protest against the growing conflict between the Turkish Armed Forces and the separatist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)... The attack was the deadliest of its kind in Turkey's modern history... No organisation has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. The Ankara Attorney General stated that they were investigating the possibility of two cases of suicide bombings. On October 19, one of the two suicide bombers was officially identified as the younger brother of the perpetrator of the Suruç bombing; both brothers have suspected links to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) (ISIS, gesteund door Turkije. svh) and the ISIL affiliated Dokumacılar group.

Marcel Kurpershoek, die Turkije afschildert als slachtoffer van de politiek van Brussel en Washington, is van de hier beschreven feiten op de hoogte. Niet alleen is hij de Nederlandse ambassadeur geweest in Turkije, maar hij is ook gedetacheerd geweest bij de NAVO, terwijl hij bovendien gelieerd is aan Abu Dhabi, dat Saoedi-Arabië steunt, de fundamentalistische staat waarvan bekend is dat zij ISIS financieel steunt. Ik krijg daarom ook sterk de indruk dat Kurpershoek propaganda maakt voor de machinaties van de neoconservatieve haviken in Washington die de soennieten prefereren boven de sjiieten, want waarom anders zou hij de steun van NAVO-lid Turkije aan de terreur-organisatie ISIS verzwijgen en Turkije als een slachtoffer presenteren? 

David Phillips 'report cites RT reports on Vice President Joe Biden's remarks detailing Turkish support to ISIS':

'US Vice-President Joe Biden has accused America's key allies in the Middle East of allowing the rise of the Islamic State (IS), saying they supported extremists with money and weapons in their eagerness to oust the Assad regime in Syria.'

'America's "biggest problem' in Syria is its regional allies, Biden told students at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics at Harvard University on Thursday.

'Our allies in the region were our largest problem in Syria,' he said, explaining that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE were 'so determined to take down Assad,' that in a sense they started a 'proxy Sunni-Shia war' by pouring 'hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of tons of weapons" towards anyone who would fight against Assad.'

And Patrick Cockburn, in the London Review of Books, also comments on Joe Biden's remarks:

'When the bombing of Syria began in September, Obama announced with pride that Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Turkey were all joining the US as military partners against Isis. But, as the Americans knew, these were all Sunni states which had played a central role in fostering the jihadis in Syria and Iraq. This was a political problem for the US, as Joe Biden revealed to the embarrassment of the administration in a talk at Harvard on 2 October. He said that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE had promoted "a proxy Sunni-Shia war" in Syria and "poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad -- except that the people who were being supplied were al-Nusra and al-Qaida and the extremist element of jihadis coming from other parts of the world'. He admitted that the moderate Syrian rebels, supposedly central to US policy in Syria, were a negligible military force. Biden later apologized for his words, but what he had said was demonstrably true and reflects what the administration in Washington really believes. Though they expressed outrage at Biden's frankness, America's Sunni allies swiftly confirmed the limits of their co-operation. Prince al-Waleed bin Talal al-Saud, a business magnate and member of the Saudi royal family, said: "Saudi Arabia will not be involved directly in fighting Isis in Iraq or Syria, because this does not really affect our country explicitly." In Turkey, Erdogan said that so far as he was concerned the PKK was just as bad as Isis.'

Dit alles maakt duidelijk dat Marcel Kurpershoek een verborgen agenda heeft en andere belangen najaagt dan humanitaire. Zijn betoog toont aan dat hij het neoconservatieve extremisme steunt van de haviken in het Pentagon en die in de regering Obama. In een democratische rechtstaat zou een Kurpershoek juridisch vervolgd worden voor zijn steun aan terrorisme, maar omdat Nederland geen democratie is waarbij er werkelijk sprake is van gescheiden staatsmachten, kan hij ongestoord blijven doorgaan met zijn propaganda.Meer hierover later. 

De oud-NAVO diplomaat Marcel Kurpershoek. Het toppunt van cynisme is dat de Hollander wisselend de rol van dominee en koopman speelt, al naar gelang het uitkomt. 30 jan 2015 speelde Kurpershoek de rol van dominee in de Amsterdamse Balie tijdens een avond van Human Rights Watch. Hij was uitgenodigd niet om over de mensenrechtenschendingen in de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten te spreken, waar hij werkzaam is, maar om als ondermeer 'senior fellow in Arabic poetry and culture at New York University Abu Dhabi' te spreken over de mensenrechtenschendingen van het Assad-regime. Als zelfbenoemde woordvoerder de Atlantische belangen en het westers militair-industrieel complex weet Kurpershoek precies wat hij wel en niet mag vertellen. Uiteindelijk moet de dominee in hem het afleggen tegen de koopman die hij tevens vertegenwoordigt. De belangenbehartigers van het establishment zijn van nature corrupt, en worden daarvoor beloond met geld en aanzien, zoals op de foto hierboven te zien is.  

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