vrijdag 4 maart 2016

Does Trump Wants To Be Shot Dead?

FRIDAY, MARCH 04, 2016

Does a JFK, RFK, MLK Moment Await 


by Stephen Lendman

Bipartisan gangsters running America let nothing interfere with their ruthless agenda, waging war on humanity at home and abroad, serving monied interests exclusively.

Trump won’t change longstanding policies if elected president. Yet Republican power brokers and media scoundrels want anyone but him representing the party in November.

Will they choose the nuclear option to prevent it? Will long knives eliminate his candidacy the old-fashioned way?

Facebook outrageously maintains an Assassinate Donald Trump page, ludicrously claiming it doesn’t violate company “community standards” left undefined - perhaps including murder.

In 1968, Bobby Kennedy had a lock on the Democrat party nomination, likely able to defeat Richard Nixon in November.

On June 5, he was fatally shot, Sirhan Sirhan falsely imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit, set up as a convenient patsy.

Bobby, brother Jack and Martin Luther King were extrajudicially assassinated, victims of state-sponsored terror - Sirhan, Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray wrongfully blamed.

Are long knives planning Trump’s removal? Is he being set up for elimination? Has a date, location and convenient patsy to be blamed for his demise been chosen?

Maybe an unfortunate plane crash, other fatal accident, or mysterious incurable, fast-acting deadly illness is planned.

Will Trump be gone before Republicans choose their nominee in July, or perhaps before November’s election?

In his earlier article titled JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, The Patsies that Didn’t,” James Fetzer debunked the official accounts, explaining “staged events that fit into a recurrent pattern in US and world history where innocent individuals (or ‘patsies’) are baited and framed for cover-up purposes,” RFK's killing “in part intended to prevent a reinvestigation into his brother's death.”

“The assassinations of RFK and JFK were both conspiracies. Both involved the destruction of evidence. Both involved the fabrication of evidence.” 

“Both involved framing their patsies. Both involved complicity by local officials. Both involved planning by the CIA. Both were used to deny the American people (the) right to be governed by leaders of their own choosing.”

Fetzer detailed vital facts about the JFK and RFK assassinations media scoundrels to this day won’t explain - part of the longstanding coverup of what happened.

Oswald and Ray are long gone, Sirhan still alive in prison. In January 2010, academic prison teacher Gerald B. Reynolds spent time with him, getting a firsthand account of things in Sirhan’s own words.

He was 66 years old at the time, 42 spent in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, now nearly half a century.

Reynolds asked him: “Did you do it?” Sirhan responded: “Did I do what?”

Reynolds: “Did you kill Robert F. Kennedy?”

Sirhan: “No, I did NOT kill” him!

Reynolds: “I know you didn’t.”

Sirhan: “How do you know?”

Reynolds studied what happened in detail. RFK was killed at point blank range by a bullet to the back of his head.

“The real assassin appears to (have been) Kennedy's Ace Security Company bodyguard - Thane Eugene Cesar,” Reynolds explained. 

“At least one eyewitness claims to have seen Cesar with a smoking gun in his hand immediately after Kennedy fell to the floor.” 

“An audio recording made during the assassination indicates that there were at least 11 shots fired from possibly three different guns.”

"The conclusion is that Kennedy was shot three times from behind with a fourth bullet passing through his suit coat.” 

“The fact that you (Sirhan) were standing in front of Kennedy is undisputed, and yet according to the coroner's report, not one bullet entered Robert F. Kennedy from the front of his body.”

Sirhan responded, saying “(t)hank goodness somebody else knows.”

CIA operatives arranged the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK. Patsies wrongfully blamed like Sirhan had nothing to do with committing murder.

“(T)hey stole my life,” Sirhan explained. “I’ve been rotting in this stinking prison for nothing!” 

In February, he was denied parole for the 15th time - commissioners outrageously saying he hadn’t shown adequate remorse or understanding of the enormity of the crime.

He’s wrongfully buried alive in prison, justice systematically denied him - along with thousands of others languishing in America’s gulag, the world’s largest, one of its most vicious.

He’ll never see the light of day again outside prison walls. Does a similar fate await an unknown patsy, to be falsely accused of being Trump’s assassin - if plans are to eliminate him the old-fashioned way?

The Headshots

Note that JFK's head moves forward first. This movement is not visible at normal speed with the naked eye. It is with the speed of a bullet, just a fraction of a second from the impact of a bullet that hits JFK in the back of the head. Then the head moves violently back and to the left from the impact of another bullet from the front in the right temple.
From the confession of James Files 1994: "When I got to the point where I thought it would be the last field of fire, I had zeroed in to the left side of the head there that I had because if I wait any longer then Jacqueline Kennedy would have been in the line of fire and I had been instructed for nothing to happen to her and at that moment I figured this is my last chance for a shot and he had still not been hit in the head. So, as I fired that round, Mr. Nicoletti and I fired approximately at the same time as the head started forward then it went backward. I would have to say that his shell struck approximately 1000th of a second ahead of mine maybe but that what's started pushing the head forward which caused me to miss from the left eye and I came in on the left side of the temple."

From the confession of James Files 2003:

J - where were you aiming?

JF - Oh, I was aiming for his right eye, which to me is the left side of his head looking head on. But for him it would be his right eye, and when I pulled the trigger, and I'm right in on it, and it's almost like looking 6 feet away through the scope. As I squeezed, take off my round, his head moved forward, I missed and I come in right along the temple. Just right behind the eye.

J - Here or in the hairline?

JF - Well, I'm not sure, you know I can't see the penetration, I know I hit him right here (pointing at temple). I know I hit behind the eye. Somewhere within a half inch diameter right there (pointing again).

W - So there were actually two shots almost simultaneously?

J - You think he got hit as you squeezed?

JF - What I believe is this : ….. And I got my readings as a marksman, I'm a good shooter, always was, I'm not bragging on my stuff, don't get me wrong, but that's what got me my start with David Phillips. Because of something that I did in the service, and I made a mark there and it's on record and it's recorded, for headshots, for what I did, and the things that I did. But anyway, to make a long story short, as I am preparing to squeeze off my round, Kennedy's head moved forward, just as I squeezed. It was already in process, the head started forward. To me … what I believe is, … and I did not see, let me clear the fact now, I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy, but I know he was the man in the Daltex building, the man supposed to be doing the shooting. Therefore the head started forward and as far as I am concerned Mr Nicoletti hit him at that point. As I squeezed off my round, the head started forward, I hit it and blew the head backwards. 

Former warden Tony Godinez of Staville prison, Illinois, where James Files is incarcerated for attempted murder of a police officer. Godinez has interviewed James Files more than anyone else. He has found his story about JFK meticulously detailed and consistent over the years, and he has never been able to catch Files in a lie or fabrication, no matter how hard he tried. He tells that James Files never bragged about the JFK assassination, and that the only emotion that Files displayed about it, was frustration that he missed his target by a few inches as he was aiming for Kennedy's right eye. Godinez states that Files was well respected in prison, that he had no fear for other inmates, most of whom are black, but that he requested to be in protective custody. Asked for the reason, Files explained he felt safer that way from retaliation by a government agency.
JFK's Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff indicating on 11/22/1963 how the fatal shot was inflicted. 

Dennis David, who saw JFK's wounds on autopsy photos, indicates where he saw an entry wound.
James Files, confessed assassin of JFK, indicates where he hit JFK. 
Houston Chronicle coverage,
Published Nov. 22, 1963:

Dr. Kemp Clark, neurosurgeon, said:
"I was called because the President had sustained a brain injury."
"It was apparent the President had sustained a lethal wound," Dr. Clark said.
"A missile had gone in and out of the back of his head, causing extensive lacerations and loss of brain tissue. Shortly after I arrived, the President's heart stopped. We attempted resuscitation, initiating closed chest heart massage, but to no avail.
"We were able to obtain a palpable pulse by this method but again to no avail.
President Kennedy died on the emergency table after 20 minutes.
To view more accounts of witnesses who saw the location of the headwound Click here.
The debris exiting from the back of JFK's head is traveling too fast to be captured in the 18 frame per second Zapruder film. But in a frame of the Nix film you can clearly see how the back of his his head is blown out.

For those who wonder about the debris pattern at the right front of JFK's head, the pictures hereunder illustrate how the debris patterns behave at the impact of a bullet. 
With thanks to Ian Kerr and Bill Miller for providing these pictures.
See also this video clip (Quicktime) of Lee Bowers Click here.
Mark Lane: Mr Bowers, how many shots did you hear?

Lee Bowers: There were three shots and these were spaced with one shot, then a pause and then two shots in very close order, such as perhaps (knocking on table) knock ..... knock-knock. Almost on top of each other, while there was some pause between the first and the second shots.

Lane: Did you tell that to the Dallas Police?

Bowers: Yes, I told this to the police and then also told it to the FBI, and also I had a discussion two or three days later with them concerning this, and they made no comment other than the fact that when stated that I felt like the third and the second and third shot could not have been fired from the same rifle, they reminded me that I was not an expert. And I had to agree (Bowers smiles sourly).

(Lee Bowers died in 1966 in a mysterious car crash without witnesses on a lone Texas country road)
See also this video clip (Quicktime) analyzing the headshots Click here.

See also this video clip (Windows media) of Dealey Plaza witness Bill Newman Click here.

1 opmerking:

Bauke Jan Douma zei

Ik schrik wel van die foto.

Maar goed, mocht Trump hetzelfde lot wachten, dan krijgen de Iraniërs dit
keer de schuld.

Reken maar dat de scenario's, als een opstelwedstrijd op school, bij de
geheimste diensten gewikt en gewogen worden.

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