Clinton’s stance against free college is one of her most absurd positions
Her logic on free access to higher education could apply to K-12, roads, parks, or any general public good
This article originally appeared on AlterNet.
CLINTON: And then on the affordability side, I do disagree with Senator Sanders, with his plan about, you know, free college, because I want to have debt-free tuition, but I don’t believe that my family or Donald Trump’s family or a lot of other families that can afford it should have the advantage of free college. I think they should be contributing on behalf of their children.
There’s a few problems with this line of reasoning, the most apparent of which is that Donald Trump is exceedingly unlikely to send his kids to public school, as is Clinton. Her daughter Chelsea went to private school her whole life, which is sort of the point: those who cannot afford such luxuries ought not get into tens of thousands of dollars debt for the chance to do so. There are some on the left who make the argument that free public education has pitfalls, but it’s strange and counterproductive for someone claiming to be the standard bearer of the progressive mantle (the getting-things-done variety) to spend so much time arguing against a long-held progressive stance.
Above all, the argument that free public college is bad because rich people could take advantage of it is dubious because this logic could apply to any general public good: parks, K-12 education, roads, public works, NEA, public television, etc. As with Social Security, creating a “right” by making something universal enshrines it into the political culture and makes future inevitable attempts to chip away at it very difficult. Moreover, any benefits provided to the wealthy under Sanders’ free college plan are more than offset by the fact that the wealthy, on his watch, would be paying meaningfully higher taxes. The idea that billionaires like Trump could somehow game the system by sending their children to these sexy, free public colleges—all the while paying much higher income, estate and capital gains taxes—doesn’t stand up to review.
America’s brand of capitalism is defined by massive inequality; it’s the fabric of our culture and something the public has learned to accept by and large. It does so, however, under the condition that we have social mobility and this social mobility we are told, is achieved primarily through education. Access to education is the entire thing, at least in principle, that makes rampant inequality morally and socially acceptable. The turning of that institution into a massive profit center marked by a spiraling tuition cost and massive personal debt takes the one thing that’s supposed to make inequality okay and snuffs it out. Work hard and get education, the poor and middle class are told, and they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. But with the cost of the average public education increasing by almost 30% over the past five years alone, how tenable is this social contract? It’s no wonder then that social mobility in the United States is one of the worst in the western world; the one thing that’s supposed to make it possible is increasingly out of reach.
1 opmerking:
't Is inderdaad absurd. Geen woorden voor.
Het toont in z'n eentje het failliet van de US Democrats aan, en
Hillary Clinton in het bijzonder.
De onderklassen en middenklassen hebben straks de keuze: tussen
studeren (en schulden maken) en soldiering (en sterven).
Either way they pay dearly.
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