dinsdag 8 september 2015


No One Mentions the F Word, Fukushima: The Die-Off of Marine and Animal Life in the North Pacific Ocean. Scientists Refuse to Admit it

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What the articles below show is that no scientist has an excuse, as the information has been there from the beginning of this catastrophe. 
It’s incredulous that they wouldn’t have found these articles just doing their own research into the mass deaths of whales, dolphins, seals, starfish, birds…. That they didn’t shows they knew the truth all along. No competent scientist could have missed this one. 
Scientists are “baffled”, “befuddled”, concerned”, and “curious” about the die-off of the Pacific Ocean.
Almost no one mentions the F word, Fukushima.
I put together a list of links from Enenews.com that show a direct correlation between the Fukushima and the die-off, even if scientists refuse to admit it.
Every story comes from a major publication. These stories have been out since the beginning of the meltdowns.
There is not one scientist studying this who does not have access to this information. Either they chose to look the other way or they are incompetent researchers who don’t really want to know the truth.
There are a thousand links here, all in chronological order. If you are pressed for time, skip to the back and read backwards to see how bad it really is. I put this file together so that when someone says prove it, at least there are 50 plus pages [actually 61 pages] of links that prove that Fukushima is killing the North Pacific Ocean.
Humans are next?
There are a thousand links here, all in chronological order.

Below are the initial titles in chronological order starting in March 2011

Radioactivity is being “released directly into the atmosphere”– IAEA at 12:15 am EST – March 15th, 2011

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