vrijdag 11 september 2015


MH17 – Haunt the BUK

September 11, 2015
In anticipation of the Dutch Safety Board’s final report expected to be released October 13, it can’t harm to publish the latest research conducted by Michael Kobs and others dissecting social media ‘proof’ a Russian Buk supposedly downed MH17.
From the very beginning this blog has published and integrated all MH17-research Michael Kobs has produced the moment it became available. Two important examples:
– Origin of the ‘Buk smoke plume’.
PDF 88 page with calculations (5.8Mb) here
– Correctiv’s ‘launch site’ debunked.
Included update May 29 Analysis Michael Kobs (53 pages, 7.6Mb )
New research: “Haunt the BUK”
“This paper is the preliminary result of joint effort and ongoing discussion of an international group of investigators, including engineers, forensic scientists and lawyers.
All findings are based on publicly available sources and are verifiable.”(Michael Kobs)
Some of the important claims the analysis addresses:
– The Paris Match photos are demonstrably false.
– ‘Sightings’ in social media repeatedly reported details that contradict the facts, leading to the conclusion that social media have been used specifically to create a track in advance.
– Contents of intercepted telephone calls are contrary to the actual events.
– Presented telephone recordings show indications of manipulation.
Complete 85 pages PDF-version* download 9.34Mb here
Project ¨Haunt the BUK¨ is also discussed here:
Paris Match BUK-photo decisively debunked
The official investigation’s presentation “call for witnesses”
“An international joint investigation team, in which Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine take part, is conducting a criminal investigation into the downing of flight MH17 on the 17th of July 2014 and is examining different scenarios. The focus of one scenario is that the MH17 was shot down by a BUK missile system.”
JITvid*) Version September 10, 2015

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