zaterdag 6 december 2014

U.S. Internal War

It seems that everyone but Darren Wilson is responsible for the death of Michael Brown. It’s Michael Brown’s fault, black-on-black violence is at fault, it’s a culture of disrespect and lawbreaking that’s at fault, take your pick. Perhaps the best spew of logic came from Rudy Giuliani, who essentially said, if you black people didn’t kill yourselves so much we wouldn’t have to send so many white cops down there to kill you as well.
Yes, crime in black communities is bad. Yes, white police officers killing unarmed black people is bad. Are we not capable of holding two thoughts in our collective head at the same time? It sure seems that many people only talk of “black-on-black” crime when they are defending a white police officer.
Now that another tragedy has happened in the blink of an eye and the police officer who choked Eric Garner to death on camera was not indicted (who you gonna’ believe, your lyin’ eyes or the police union?), let’s hope the growing outrage continues to spotlight police brutality and brings an end to these all-too-frequent killings. Be sure to like, comment and share this cartoon far and wide, or check out links behind the cartoon on my site.
Now that the Missouri non-prosecutor has issued a sweeping non-indictment of Darren Wilson, we can finally find Michael Brown’s real killer!
Who Killed Michael Brown?  It’s a real whodunit!
Was it the black-on-black crime in his neighborhood that forced Brown to tackle a police officer’s bullet with his head?
No?  Well it must’ve been the Cigarillos that pushed him into a competent and level-headed police officer’s line of fire.
And if not the Cigarillos, it must’ve been his sheer size that killed him!
Weighing in at six-foot-four, two-hundred and ninety-two pounds, Brown terrified Officer Wilson, who was only six-foot-four, two-hundred and ten pounds, (plus the additional weight of the club, gun and police vehicle.)
Was the real killer . . . Hulk Hogan?
Had Officer Wilson not been so scared of the wrestling superstar, he would not have confused an unarmed teen with a world heavyweight wrestling champ in tights and a boa.
The real killer was most surely . . . a culture of violent rap music, broken homes, sagging pants, marijuana socks, social media, divorce, demonic weight gain, disrespect, hip hop, happy meals, Obama and, sunspots.
And thanks to the innocent bystander with the gun, we have plenty of leads into Who Killed Michael Brown!
It’s a real whodunit!

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