zaterdag 6 december 2014

U.S. Internal War 2

There is a long history of the NYPD (  (and other police ( ) killing unarmed African Americans, as well as a history of grand juries not indicting police who kill (  citizens. The injustice in the US justice system has become so evident that the United Nations is strongly criticizing police and prison practices (  in the United States as well as torture abroad.

While politicians are now talking about changes to police training, increased use of cameras on police and other reforms and  the Department of Justice is taking action, protests must continue and be sustained in order to achieve the necessary changes . For example, sustained protests are planned at the Department of Justice in Washington, DC every Monday (  at 4:00 pm. We must be uncompromising in our consistent demand for justice.

Demand Justice: End Poverty Wages

Another issue that is increasing its people power and political strength is the reality of millions of US workers receiving poverty wages. In the last two weeks there were two national days of action by people seeking living wages. Economic injustice has deep roots but now it is beginning to be addressed. years ago these mass actions would have been unthinkable ( , but over the past three years people protested at Walmart and workers walked off their jobs on the biggest shopping day of the year, Black Friday.  This year there were protests and walk-offs at 1,600 Walmarts in 49 states ( , the largest ever. The protests will continue to grow until Walmart starts paying people living wages.

Two years ago 200 fast food workers in New York City walked off their jobs. This has also grown into a national movement. This Thursday in more than 190 cities people walked off their jobs and protested (  for a $15 an hour living wage and union rights. The movement has not only grown geographically but also now includes more categories of workers. This year, baggage handlers, skycaps, wheelchair attendants and aircraft cleaners from 10 major airports supported the strikers as the Fight for $15 movement.

And, in two years of organizing, 8 million low-wage workers have seen raises. The lesson from this experience is that organized people can build power and create change. Justice: Stop Secret Trade Agreements

Sunday, December 7, 3pm

Mass Meeting Sunday December 7 
to organize a Week of Mass Outrage beginning Monday
Intensify and Spread the Struggle Against Police Murder and the New Jim Crow -- Get Organized and Go Higher!
Sunday, December 7, 3pm
West Park Presbyterian Church
165 W 86th St, New York, NY 10024
at the corner of Amsterdam Avenue, enter on 86th

The actions of the people the last week have achieved a great deal. These actions have forced everyone in this country to confront the reality of this epidemic of police brutality and murder, of mass incarceration, of the criminalization of entire peoples. 

Now is certainly not the time to retreat or quiet down. Now is not the time to fall for the honeyed words and empty promises of the oppressors, nor to be misled by their slanders. Now is the time to intensify and to spread this movement and the righteous actions taken so far. Still more people must be involved--there are plenty of people who have not come out in struggle yet, who must and should and can be won to come out. And these actions themselves must become more determined in confronting the business-as-usual of this empire. Organizing through Twitter and Facebook has its definite strengths, but people also need to get together in person and decide how to take this higher.


Stop Mass Incarceration Network
c/o P.O. Box 941 Knickerbocker Station
New York, NY 10002-0900
Email: stopmassincarceration@gmail.comWeb: www.stopmassincarceration.orgTwitter: @StopMassIncNet
347-979-SMIN (7646)

Revolution Books / Libros Revolución
146 W. 26th Street, between 6th and 7th Ave.
New York, NY 10001

Revolution Books is open everyday noon to 7pm,and as needed during important political developments

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De VS: 'De verborgen hand van de markt zal niet werken zonder een verborgen vuist.'

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