In zijn bestseller A People's History of the United States 1492-present (1980) schreef de Amerikaanse historicus Howard Zinn in hoofdstuk 22, getiteld 'The Unreported Resistance':
Despite the political consensus of Democrats and Republicans on Washington which set limits on American reform, making sure that capitalism was in place, that national military strength was maintained, that wealth and power remained in the hands of a few, there were millions of Americans, probably tens of millions who refused, either actively or silently to go aslong. Their activities were largely unreported by the media.
Precies hetzelfde geldt voor het Europa van 'Geen Jorwert zonder Brussel.' Ook hier besteden de commerciële massamedia nauwelijks tot geen aandacht aan de vele dissidente stemmen, zo is mij van nabij opgevallen in mijn meer dan vier decennialange ervaring als onafhankelijke journalist. Het is niet vreemd dat de journalist Geert Mak in zijn vuistdikke Reizen zonder John, waarin hij claimt 'Op zoek naar Amerika' te zijn, geen één keer Howard Zinn citeert, of dichter bij huis, Nederland's grootste historicus aller tijden, Johan Huizinga, wiens kritische studie Mensch en Menigte in America uit 1918 in 2009 werd heruitgegeven, en wiens werk in het Engels is vertaald omdat hij in de Angelsaksische wereld beschouwd wordt als 'among the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century.' Mak verwijst wel naar mainstream-historici en journalisten. Het eeuwenoude poldermodel heeft geleid tot een verstikkende vervlakking en een benauwend provincialisme. Dissidente feiten en opvattingen worden hier gewantrouwd en niet gezien als bevorderlijk voor een publieke gedachtenuitwisseling die noodzakelijk is in een democratie. Ondanks het feit dat, zoals Zinn schreef,
Thousands of people in El Salvador were being murdered each year by 'death squads' sponsored by a government armed by the United States,'
om slechts één van de duizenden voorbeelden te geven, wist Mak in zijn 'Amerika' boek te beweren dat de VS al 'decennialang [fungeerde] als ordebewaker en politieagent — om maar te zwijgen van alle hulp die het uitdeelde.' Om deze leugen in een waarheid te veranderen moest Geert Mak ondermeer het volgende verzwijgen:
'The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), formerly known as the US Army School of the Americas, is a United States Department of Defense Institute located at Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia, that provides military training to government personnel of Latin American countries with right-wing governments.
The school was founded in 1946 and from 1961 was assigned the specific goal of teaching 'anti-communist counterinsurgency training,' a role which it would fulfill for the rest of the Cold War. In this period, it educated several Latin American dictators, generations of their military and, during the 1980s, included the uses of torture in its curriculum. In 2000/2001, the institute was renamed to WHINSEC.
In 2004 schreef de Amerikaanse journalist Doug Ireland in de LAWeekly:
Remember how congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle deplored the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib as 'un-American'? Last Thursday, however, the House quietly passed a renewed appropriation that keeps open the U.S.'s most infamous torture-teaching institution, known as the School of the Americas (SOA), where the illegal physical and psychological abuse of prisoners of the kind the world condemned at Abu Ghraib and worse has been routinely taught for years...
the SOA's graduates have been the shock troops of political repression, propping up a string of dictatorial and repressive regimes favored by the Pentagon.
The interrogation manuals long used at the SOA were made public in May by the National Security Archive, an independent research group, and posted on its Web site after they were declassified following Freedom of Information Act requests by, among others, the Baltimore Sun. In releasing the manuals, the NSA noted that they 'describe 'coercive techniques' such as those used to mistreat the detainees at Abu Ghraib.
The Abu Ghraib torture techniques have been field-tested by SOA graduates – seven of the U.S. Army interrogation manuals that were translated into Spanish, used at the SOA's trainings and distributed to our allies, offered instruction on torture, beatings and assassination. As Dr. Miles Schuman, a physician with the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture who has documented torture cases and counseled their victims, graphically wrote in the May 14 Toronto Globe and Mail under the headline 'Abu Ghraib: The Rule, Not the Exception':
'The black hood covering the faces of naked prisoners in Abu Ghraib was known as la capuchi in Guatemalan and Salvadoran torture chambers. The metal bed frame to which the naked and hooded detainee was bound in a crucifix position in Abu Ghraib was la cama, named for a former Chilean prisoner who survived the U.S.-installed regime of General Augusto Pinochet. In her case, electrodes were attached to her arms, legs and genitalia, just as they were attached to the Iraqi detainee poised on a box, threatened with electrocution if he fell off. The Iraqi man bound naked on the ground with a leash attached to his neck, held by a smiling young American recruit, reminds me of the son of peasant organizers who recounted his agonizing torture at the hands of the Tonton Macoutes, U.S.-backed dictator John-Claude (Baby Doc) Duvalier's right-hand thugs, in Port-au-Prince in 1984. The very act of photographing those tortured in Abu Ghraib to humiliate and silence parallels the experience of an American missionary, Sister Diana Ortiz,' who was tortured and gang-raped repeatedly under supervision by an American in 1989, according to her testimony before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus.
The long history of torture by U.S.-trained thugs in Latin and Central America under the command of SOA graduates has also been capaciously documented by human-rights organizations like Amnesty International (in its 2002 report titled "Unmatched Power, Unmet Principles") and in books like A.J. Langguth's Hidden Terrors, William Blum's Rogue State and Lawrence Weschler's A Miracle, a Universe. In virtually every report on human-rights abuses from Latin America, SOA graduates are prominent. A U.N. Truth Commission report said that over two-thirds of the Salvadoran officers it cites for abuses are SOA graduates. Forty percent of the Cabinet members under three sanguinary Guatemalan dictatorships were SOA graduates. And the list goes on...
Amerikaanse CIA-functionarissen folteren een Iraakse gevangene met elektrische schokken.
Dit is wat de VS als 'ordebewaker en politieagent' de rest van de wereld leert om zijn hegemonie te handhaven. En om de beulen de allernieuwste kneepjes op het gebied van folteren bij te brengen werden ook nog Joods-Israeli's ingehuurd die veel ervaring hadden opgedaan met het folteren van Palestijnse gevangenen. Dat de Amerikaanse strijdkrachten overal ter wereld de belangen van hun economische en politieke elite met het grootst mogelijk geweld beschermen en uitbreiden, is de bestsellerauteur Mak kennelijk volledig ontgaan. Dit autisme is kenmerkend voor de mainstream-propagandisten. De grenzen van hun wereldbeeld worden bepaald door de officiële consensus van kranten als de New York Times. De huidige Volkskrant-correspondent in de VS, Arie Elshout, stelde dat
feit en commentaar nergens zo tastbaar [zijn] gescheiden als bij The New York Times, zo ontdekten Pieter Broertjes en ik toen we in 2004 voor de Volkskrant een bezoek brachten aan wat wel 's werelds beste dagblad wordt genoemd.
Uit Elshout's eigen tekst valt op te maken dat hij als toenmalige adjunct-hoofdredacteur en zijn hoofdredacteur Broertjes die vermeende scheiding tussen 'feit en commentaar' pas 'ontdekten' toen dit hen werd verteld tijdens hun 'bezoek' aan de Times. Kennelijk was het niet eerder opgevallen door het lezen van die krant. Hoe dat mogelijk was beschouwde Elshout kennelijk als niet ter zake doende informatie. Juist dit verzwijgen is zo tekenend voor de werkwijze van de commerciële massamedia. Dat er werkelijk een 'muur tussen feit en commentaar' bestaat, is domweg onmogelijk omdat in de mainstream-journalistiek elk feit tevens als commentaar functioneert, zeker wanneer de lezer niet weet welke feiten bewust worden verzwegen. Daar komt nog iets anders bij dat ik zal proberen aan te tonen aan de hand van een willekeurig voorbeeld uit ''s werelds beste dagblad.' Gisteren, zaterdag 29 november 2014, opende The International New York Times op de voorpagina met: 'Russian role is suspected in push to halt fracking.' Na eerst een suspecte bron in een Roemeens dorp aan het woord te hebben gelaten die vertelde dat er sprake was van 'a mysteriously well-financed and well-organized campaign of protest,' tegen het milieu-vernietigend 'fracking' werd gesteld dat het niet anders kan dan dat Rusland hierachter zit. Immers, zo gaat de redenering, het Russische Gazprom, de
state owned energy giant has a clear intrest in preventing countries dependent on Russian natural gas from developing their own alternative supplies of energy,
aldus niet anonieme bronnen van Times-journalist Andrew Higgins. Na eerst de beschuldigingen te hebben vermeld moet Higgins vervolgens bekennen dat
This belief that Russia is fueling the protests, shared by officials in Lithuania, were Chevron also ran into a wave of unusually fervent protests and then decided to pull out, has not yet been backed by any clear proof.
Het is een treffende illustratie van de tendentieuze, alles behalve onafhankelijke strategie van de westerse zogeheten 'vrije pers,' die in hun voortbestaan financieel voor het grootste deel afhankelijk zij van de advertentie-inkomsten en de steun van grote concerns, en bovendien in handen zijn van kapitaalkrachtige mediagiganten. Het is de journalistiek van de stemmingmakerij tegen economische concurrenten die snel tot politieke vijanden kunnen worden gebombardeerd. En dan krijgt men de 'circumstantial evidence' van Higgins op de voorpagina van wat de televisie-journalist Chris Kijne ‘de beste krant van de wereld’ noemt:
Before stepping down in September as NATO's secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen gave voice to this alarm with remarks in London that pointed a finger at Rusland and infuriated environmentalists.
'Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called nongovernmental environmental organizations working against shale gas — to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas,' mr. Rasmussen said. He presented no proof and said the judgement was based on what NATO allies had reported.
Ook hier dus worden zonder enig bewijs, zonder 'any clear proof,' milieu-organisaties gecriminaliseerd op een wijze die doet denken aan de begintijd van de Koude Oorlog toen de hysterie van anticommunistische verdachtmakingen in de de Verenigde Staten een hoogtepunt beleefde, waardoor kritische kunstenaars en intellectuelen hun status en inkomen verloren, of op zijn minst voor de rest van hun leven gemarginaliseerd en verdacht bleven. De Nederlandse 'politiek-literaire elite' doet vrijwillige en onweersproken mee aan deze waanzin door, zoals miljonair Geert Mak, en plein publique te beweren dat het 'landjepik' van 'meneer Poetin' de NAVO-landen dwingt nog meer geld aan bewapening uit te geven. Daarmee hielp hij mee aan het stigmatiseren van het verzet tegen de anti-Poetin—hetze in de mainstream-media. Conflicten dienen kennelijk met geweldsdreiging worden opgelost, een visie die naadloos aansluit bij die van de neoliberale economische en politieke elite, en haar militair-industrieel complex. Het criminaliseren van de tegenstander heeft inmiddels lachwekkende aspecten gekregen. Zo suggereerde NRC-opiniemaker Hubert Smeets tegenover zijn publiek dat zelfs Boreas, de god van de noordenwind met zijn purperen vleugels, anti-Poetin was geworden. Op 22 november twitterde hij:
Wegens harde wind ligt dienstregeling van pont bij Kertsj (Krim) er weer uit. Bewoners op Krim raken zo geïsoleerd.
Hubert Smeets wijst aan vanuit welke richting het gevaar komt. De hysterie van de polderpers is op een hoogtepunt.
Het spreekt voor zich dat deze kennis voor de doorsnee Nederlander volkomen irrelevant is, behalve dan dat het propaganda is, stemmingmakerij, om het — in de terminologie van Smeets — 'poetinisme' in een kwaad daglicht te stellen. Zo werkt de atlanticus Smeets mee aan het opvoeren van de spanning die het gevaar met zich meebrengt dat dit expres of per ongeluk in een gewapend conflict eindigt. Het maakt hem niets uit, zolang hij maar in de belangstelling blijft staan. De onvruchtbare IK-generatie denkt niet verder dan het eigenbelang, en dus kent Hubert Smeets de profetische woorden niet van bijvoorbeeld Marian Wright, het hoofd van de Children's Defense Fund, die al in 1983 tegenover een aula vol pas afgestudeerden had verklaard:
You are graduating into a nation and world teetering on the brink of moral and economic brankruptcy. Since 1980, our President and Congress have been turning our national plowshares into swords and been bringing good news to the rich at the expense of the poor.
Uit de cijfers van vandaag de dag blijkt hoe gelijk Wright heeft gehad toen ze ruim drie decennia geleden waarschuwde dat 'Children are the major victims. Our misguided national and world choices are literally killing children daily,' om vervolgens haar publiek eraan te herinneren dat desondanks
governments throughout the world, led by our own, spend over $600 billion a year on arms, while an estimated 1 billion of our world's people live in poverty and 600 million are under- or unemployed. Where is the human commitment and political wil to find the relative pittance of money needed to protect children.
Een vraag die de opiniemakers van de polderpers geen relevantie heeft, als men afgaat op hun werk. Voor hen geldt dat de mensheid niet zozeer wordt bedreigd door honger, armoede en onwetendheid, maar allereerst en bovenal door 'meneer Poetin.' Pas als die eenmaal weg is kan de wereld in vrede en veiligheid verder gaan. De waanzin is zo groot geworden dat hij niet meer te bevatten is. Inmiddels is het bedrag dat elk jaar wereldwijd aan bewapening wordt gespendeerd sinds 1980 verdrievoudigd tot meer dan 1,7 biljoen dollar, 1,7 maal een miljoen maal een miljoen, terwijl het aantal wereldbewoners in diezelfde tijd met drie miljard is toegenomen. Er is iets wezenlijks veranderd in de psyche van de ontwikkelde westerling, sinds de pas aangetreden president Eisenhower op 16 april 1953 tijdens zijn fameuze Chance for Peace toespraak in Washington voor de American Society of Newspaper Editors het volgende verklaarde:
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone.
It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.
The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities.
It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population.
It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway.
We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat.
We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people.
This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road. the world has been taking.
This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.
Zet deze wijsheid naast het bijna wellustige verlangen naar grof geweld dat de Nederlandse mainstream media uitstralen. Er is een wereld van verschil tussen Geert Mak's angst makerij dat de Nederlandse militaire uitgaven omhoog moeten om 'Poetin' tegen te houden en de visie van een oud vijf sterren-generaal als president Eisenhower dat 'Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.' Mak is van een generatie die nooit een oorlog heeft gekend, Eisenhower van een generatie die twee wereldoorlogen overleefde. 'My dad had pretty strong guiding principles that today would be considered simplistic, perhaps,' zei een halve eeuw later zijn zoon John tegen Eugene Jarecki, de Amerikaanse regisseur van alom geprezen documentaires als Why We Fight (2005). Eisenhower wist dat een gewapend conflict niet alleen zou kunnen leiden tot de gevreesde Mutual Assured Destruction, waarbij vele honderden miljoenen burgers in zowel het Westen als het Oosten worden uitgeroeid, maar dat 'Modern weapons take food from the hungry and shelter from the homeless. So he was fighting with the Pentagon all the time for asking far too much and with Congress for giving it to them.' Wij weten nu dat wijsheid en terughoudendheid verloren hebben en dat het militair-industrieel complex uiteindelijk gewonnen heeft, mede dankzij de steun van hysterische mainstream-journalisten als bijvoorbeeld Geert Mak en Hubert Smeets. Het probleem met het kleine Nederland is dat er geen intellectuele tegenstroom is, zoals die in grote cultuurlanden bestaat. Vrijdag 28 november schreef Robert Parry, de bekende
American investigative journalist best known for his role in covering the Iran-Contra affair for the Associated Press (AP) and Newsweek, including breaking the Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare (CIA manual provided to the Nicaraguan contras) and the CIA and Contras cocaine trafficking in the US scandal in 1985. He was awarded the George Polk Award for National Reporting in 1984. He has been the editor of Consortium News since 1995,
American investigative journalist best known for his role in covering the Iran-Contra affair for the Associated Press (AP) and Newsweek, including breaking the Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare (CIA manual provided to the Nicaraguan contras) and the CIA and Contras cocaine trafficking in the US scandal in 1985. He was awarded the George Polk Award for National Reporting in 1984. He has been the editor of Consortium News since 1995,
op de website van het kritische Consortium News onder de kop 'Der Spiegel Tones Down Anti-Putin Hysteria':
Last summer, the German news magazine Der Spiegel was swept up in the Western hysteria over Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Ukraine crisis, even running a bellicose cover demanding 'Stop Putin Now' and blaming him for the 298 deaths in the July 17 crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in eastern Ukraine…
However, in October, Der Spiegel quietly reversed itself regarding Moscow supposedly supplying the Buk missiles, reporting that the German foreign intelligence agency, the BND, had concluded that Russia did not supply the battery suspected of bringing down the plane, saying the plane was shot down by a Ukrainian military missile captured by the rebels from a Ukrainian military base (although I was later told by a European official that the BND's conclusion was less definitive than Der Spiegel reported).
In another reversal of sorts, this leading German-language news magazine has acknowledged that the European Union and German leaders were guilty of miscalculations that contributed to the Ukraine crisis, particularly by under-appreciating the enormous financial costs to Ukraine if it broke its historic ties to Russia in favor of a new association with the EU.
In November 2013, Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych learned from experts at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine that the total cost to the country's economy from severing its business connections to Russia would be around $160 billion, 50 times the $3 billion figure that the EU had estimated, Der Spiegel reported. The figure stunned Yanukovych, who pleaded for financial help that the EU couldn't provide, the magazine said.
Western loans would have to come from the International Monetary Fund, which was demanding painful 'reforms' of Ukraine's economy, structural changes that would make the hard lives of average Ukrainians even harder, including raising the price of natural gas by 40 percent and devaluing Ukraine's currency, the hryvnia, by 25 percent.
With Putin offering a more generous aid package of $15 billion, Yanukovych backed out of the EU agreement but told the EU's Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, Nov. 28, 2013, that he was willing to continue negotiating.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel responded with 'a sentence dripping with disapproval and cool sarcasm aimed directly at the Ukrainian president. "I feel like I'm at a wedding where the groom has suddenly issued new, last minute stipulations,"' according to Der Spiegel's chronology of the crisis.
That was when the U.S. neocons stepped up their strategy of using the popular disappointment in western Ukraine over the failed EU agreement to topple Yanukovych, the constitutionally elected president.
Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, a prominent neocon holdover who advised Vice President Dick Cheney, passed out cookies to anti-Yanukovych demonstrators at the Maidan Square in Kiev and reminded Ukrainian business leaders that the United States had invested $5 billion in their 'European aspirations.'
Meanwhile, neocon Sen. John McCain joined Ukrainian rightists onstage at the Maidan urging on the protests, and the U.S.-funded, neocon-led National Endowment for Democracy deployed scores of its Ukrainian political/media operatives in support of the disruptions. Even earlier, NED President Carl Gershman, a leading neocon, had identified Ukraine as "the biggest prize" and an important step toward toppling Putin in Russia. [See's 'Neocons' Ukraine-Syria-Iran Gambit.']
By early February, Nuland was telling U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt 'f*ck the EU' and discussing how to 'glue this thing' as she handpicked who the new leaders of Ukraine would be; 'Yats is the guy,' she said about Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
As violent disorders at the Maidan spun out of control, the State Department and U.S. news media blamed Yanukovych, setting the stage for his removal. On Feb. 22, a putsch, spearheaded by neo-Nazi militias from the Maidan protests, forced Yanukovych and his officials to flee for their lives.
A Nasty Civil War
Nuland's 'guy' Yatsenyuk became the new prime minister and pushed through both the IMF 'reforms' and the EU association agreement. But the price was high, with Ukraine descending into a brutal civil war with ethnic Russians of eastern and southern Ukraine resisting the imposition of the new order in Kiev.
The voters of Crimea overwhelmingly passed a secession referendum and rejoined Russia with the help of Russian troops stationed in Crimea at the naval base at Sebastopol. Two areas of eastern Ukraine also voted to secede but were not accepted by Moscow, though it provided military and non-lethal assistance when the Kiev regime launched an 'anti-terrorism operation' that incorporated some of the neo-Nazi storm troopers into 'volunteer militias.'
The Ukrainian civil war not only has claimed thousands of lives but revived the specter of a new Cold War. The U.S. State Department pressed the EU to join in economic sanctions against Russia over its annexation of Crimea, a plan that Merkel and the EU adopted after the July 17 shoot-down of MH17, which was hastily blamed on Putin.
Tit-for-tat economic sanctions also pushed the EU toward its third recession since the 2008 financial crisis. They also have contributed to economic pain in Russia. But the worst victims are the Ukrainians who are facing a cold winter with scant supplies of fuel, little money and widespread joblessness.
'In one of the most important questions facing European foreign policy, Germany had failed,' Der Spiegel admitted in its review of how the crisis evolved from the botched negotiations a year ago. The magazine cited a speech last December by the new Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, saying: 'We should ask ourselves ... whether we have overlooked the fact that it is too much for this country to have to choose between Europe and Russia.'
Der Spiegel also quoted a key figure in the Ukraine talks, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy Stefan Fule, as conceding that the EU confronted Ukraine with an impossible choice. 'We were actually telling Ukraine… : "You know guys, sorry for your geographic location, but you cannot go east and you cannot go west,"' Fule said.
'More than anything, though, the Europeans underestimated Moscow and its determination to prevent a clear bond between Ukraine and the West,' Der Spiegel wrote. 'They either failed to take Russian concerns and Ukrainian warnings seriously or they ignored them altogether because they didn't fit into their own worldview.'
This more tempered assessment by Der Spiegel -- though a marked improvement from the hysteria of last summer -- still falls far short of the highest standards of journalistic objectivity. But it suggests that perhaps a more rational attitude toward the Ukraine crisis is finally taking hold in Europe.
Maar een 'more tempered assessment' is onmogelijk in Nederland, het land is te klein, er bestaat geen kosmopolitisch ingestelde intelligentsia, iedereen die meetelt kent iedereen die meetelt, opiniemakers en politici in de polder zijn elkaar's peergroup, het poldermodel is een gecorrumpeerd opportunistisch systeem. Kortom, het provincialisme maakt de zicht onmogelijk op een bredere context waarin de werkelijkheid zich voltrekt. Vandaar ook dat hier een eenmaal ingenomen benepen en hysterische mening niet zonder ernstig gezichtsverlies kan worden verlaten. Dat is de voornaamste reden waarom een opgewonden opiniemaker als Hubert Smeets nooit werkelijk zal accepteren wat een strategische denker als de voormalige Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Henry Kissinger beseft:
Henry Kissinger Says Obama’s Neocons Have Produced A Mess In Ukraine
Kissinger: Ukraine should forget about Crimea and NATO membership
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger spoke about global threats, the secession of Crimea and Ukraine’s NATO accession.
Mr. Kissinger said that there currently is an urgent need for a new world order, but its coming into being will be long and complicated. 'There are no universally accepted rules,' said Mr. Kissinger in an interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel. 'There is the Chinese view, the Islamic view, the Western view and, to some extent, the Russian view. And they really are not always compatible.'
Speaking of Crimea’s accession to Russia, he noted that this is a special case, as Ukraine and Russia were one country for a long time. In his view, the West must recognize its mistakes. 'Europe and America did not understand the impact of these events, starting with the negotiations about Ukraine’s economic relations with the European Union and culminating in the demonstrations in Kiev,' said Mr. Kissinger. 'All these, and their impact, should have been the subject of a dialogue with Russia.'
He is sure that Ukraine has always had a special significance for Russia. Failure to understand this was fatal, and the Ukrainian authorities can forget about the Crimean peninsula. 'Nobody in the West has offered a concrete program to restore Crimea,' said Mr. Kissinger. 'Nobody is willing to fight over eastern Ukraine.' In his opinion, introducing anti-Russian sanctions was a mistake.
'We have to remember that Russia is an important part of the international system, and therefore useful in solving all sorts of other crises, for example in the agreement on nuclear proliferation with Iran or over Syria,' Mr. Kissinger said. 'This has to have preference over a tactical escalation in a specific case.' He added that Ukraine should not hope to become a member of NATO in the foreseeable future, as the alliance will never vote unanimously for the accession of Ukraine.
Ukraine-Konflikt: Kissinger warnt vor "Neuauflage des Kalten Krieges"
Im Gespräch mit dem SPIEGEL warnt der frühere US-Außenminister Henry Kissinger vor einer Verschärfung der Ukraine-Krise. Von Deutschland fordert er eine aktivere Rolle in dem Konflikt
Geert Mak, een grootheid in de polder, maar een klein duimpje onder kosmopolieten. Foto Beneden: De Oekraïne als onderdeel van 'Geen Jorwert zonder Brussel.'

Yesterday I uploaded a photo of "ATO heroes" from the punitive battalion 'Azov' with a characteristic swastika, after which officer's daughters unleashed a temper tantrum in the comments that all of this is just Putin's propaganda, malignant photoshop, polish revenge, and other Ukrainscious bullshit. Well, allright, let's make the picture more complete. The photo is of course not Photoshop, but rather from the page of (in Ukrainian) of 'Azov' punitive troop named Oleg Penya, who up until recently was a coordinator of the 'Right Sector' in Zhytomir. Later he was demoted into private for some screwups and sent to fight in 'Azov.'
Because it is clear that the character may delete the compromising photos or lock up the access to his page, screenshots were taken, which 'prove beyond any doubt' that there is absolutely no fascism in Ukraine.
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