maandag 1 december 2014

Nederlands Parlement

Amazing buzz! Over 43.000 signatures in just 72 hours -- let's deliver 50.000 before the crucial MP meeting t
omorrow. Sign now and forward this to everyone

Dear friends in the Netherlands,

Bees are dying off worldwide and our entire food chain is in peril. Many scientists blame toxic pesticides, and in just days, the Dutch Parliament could ban these poisons from the Netherlands. Join the call and key MPs will bring our voices straight to the heart of the debate.

Silently, billions of bees are dying off and our entire food chain is in danger. Bees don't just make honey -- they are a giant, humble workforce, pollinating 75% of our most important food crops. And in just a few days, the Dutch Parliament could ban poisons that many scientists blame for the demise of the bees -- and the birds too.

Pesticides called Neonicotinoids have been strongly linked to the collapse of bee colonies, and also to the declining numbers of wild birds in our countryside. In a non-binding vote, the majority of MPs favoured banning these toxic chemicals. Now they have a chance to vote on a law with teeth, but companies are lobbying hard to keep the toxins flowing.  

The next step to safeguard our bees is a big debate this week in Parliament. When 20,000 of us sign, key MPs have promised to take our petition straight to the heart of government! Click to protect the birds and the bees in Holland, then share with everyone:

Bees are vital to life on earth -- every year pollinating plants and crops with an estimated $40bn value. Without immediate action to ensure bees' continued pollination, many of our favourite fruits, vegetables, and nuts could vanish from our shelves and a third of our food supply is at risk.

Recent years have seen a steep decline in numbers of honey bees, bumble bees and other bee populations in the EU. Scientists have been scrambling for answers. While some studies, often funded by the chemical companies, argue this may be due to a combination of factors, powerful independent studies conclude neonicotinoid pesticides play an important role. A Dutch study found that bird populations were declining more quickly in areas with higher concentration of these chemicals in lakes and ditches, suggesting that the whole ecosystem is affected. Innovative farmers and scientists have shown that these toxic pesticides are not needed.

It is this startling evidence that should compel MPs to vote for nature. But they need to hear that people in the Netherlands want them to take this step. Our voices need a to be louder than the threats of the agro-chemical industry. The debate on December 4th could help protect the bees and the birds in the Netherlands, and inspire other countries join in. This is our chance!

Last time Parliament voted on this issue, there most parliamentarians support for a ban. This time it's likely that the agrochemical industry has frightened some parties to try to get MPs to change their minds. Let's make sure our politicians remember their consciences, and vote for nature.

We can no longer leave our delicate food chain in the hands of chemical companies. Banning these pesticides will move us closer to a world safe for ourselves and the other species we care about and depend on.

With hope,
Jo, Marigona, Anna, Maeve, Ricken, and the rest of the Avaaz team

NGOs and beekeepers take legal action to defend EU ban of bee-killing pesticides against Syngenta and Bayer (Greenpeace)

Ecological farming is the only solution for the global pollinators- and agriculture crisis (Greenpeace)
$15 Billion Bee Murder Mystery Deepens (Business Insider) 

Bees in freefall as study shows sharp US decline (The Guardian) 

Second Silent Spring? Bird Declines Linked to Popular Pesticides (National Geographic)

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