dinsdag 2 september 2014

Nuclear Zero

On April 24th, 
The Marshall Islands filed landmark cases in the International Court of Justice and U.S. Federal District Court. 
The Claim: 
The nine nuclear-armed nations have failed to comply with their obligations, under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty and customary international law, to pursue negotiations for the worldwide elimination of nuclear weapons.
They act for the seven billion of us who live on this planet to end the nuclear weapons threat hanging over all humanity.

Take a Stand 

World leaders need to know it's the will of the people to reach Nuclear Zero.  

Be a hero for Nuclear Zero and add your voice today. 
Nuclear weapons threaten everything we love and treasure in this world. To protect humanity’s future, we support the Marshall Islands, a small island nation who is courageously seeking to enforce the Nuclear Zero promise - a world free of nuclear weapons. 

That is why we call upon the nuclear weapon nations to urgently fulfill their moral duty and legal obligation to begin negotiations for complete nuclear disarmament.

Zero is the only safe number of nuclear weapons on the planet.

Standing together for #NuclearZero 

Sign on as a group and join our consortium


Marshall Islands Files Opposition to Motion to Dismiss

7000° F

The temperature at the epicenter
of the atomic bomb used on Hiroshima.

100 million people

The estimated fatalities within the first 30 minutes if 500 nuclear weapons were use on major cities.


of the world’s nuclear weapons 
are possessed by the U.S. and Russia.

   6 times

The number of times India and Pakistan have
come close to nuclear war during the last 20 years.


The year the U.S. accidentally dropped a bomb 
with 260 times the power of 
the Hiroshima bomb, on North Carolina.

 The Republic of the Marshall Islands 

“No nation should ever 
suffer as we have.” 
–Tony de Brum, Foreign Minister, RMI

The Republic of the Marshall Islands knows firsthand the horror and consequences of living in a world with nuclear weapons.
1946 – 1958
The Marshall Islands was used as a test ground for the U.S. nuclear program during this time.

nuclear bombs detonated over the Marshall Islands during this time period.

Hiroshima bombs detonated daily for 12 years (equivalence). 

Castle Bravo, the largest bomb ever tested by the U.S., than the Hiroshima bomb.
Nuclear Savage VideoThe Nine Nuclear Nations

The Nine Nuclear-Armed Nations

Five are parties to the NPT

  • United States
  • Russia
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • China

Four are not parties to the NPT but bound to the obligations by 

customary international law
  • Israel
  • India
  • Pakistan
  • North Korea

The numbers don’t lie


 nuclear weapons between them.

$100 billion 

spent every year on nuclear forces globally.


negotiations for worldwide disarmament. 
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
The NPT prevents the proliferation of nuclear weapons and obligates nations to negotiate for global disarmament.
The treaty entered into force in 1970 and 190 countries have signed it – the most signatories of any arms control agreement.

Good faith

Article VI of the NPT

“Each of the Parties to the treaty undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control.”

Gone bad

The Nuclear-Armed Nations

  • Are actively planning for nuclear weapon deployment at least through the end of the 21st century
  • Continue to invest in modernizing their nuclear arsenals
  • Ignore multilateral forums that discuss the need to ban and eliminate nuclear weapons

years later there are still no negotiations in sight

The Unkept Promise 
The Nuclear Zero Lawsuits challenge the nine nuclear-armed nations to keep their legal and moral obligations.
Add Your Voice

Meet the world leaders, experts, and Nobel Laureates who support #NuclearZero

More to come...
  • Georges Abi-Saab, Ph.D.
  • Tadatoshi Akiba, Ph.D.
  • Oscar Arias
  • John Scales Avery, Ph.D.
  • Maude Barlow
  • Janet Benshoof, J.D.
  • Helen Caldicott, M.D.
  • Michael J. Christ
  • Robert Dodge, M.D.
  • Anabel L. Dwyer, J.D.
  • Shirin Ebadi
  • Daniel Ellsberg, Ph.D.
  • Priscilla Elworthy, Ph.D.
  • Adolfo Esquivel
  • Richard Falk, J.S.D.
  • Jonathan Granoff, J.D.
  • Cmdr. (Ret.) Robert Green
  • International Peace Bureau
  • Bianca Jagger
  • David Krieger, J.D., Ph.D.
  • Mairead Maguire
  • Saul Mendlovitz, J.D.
  • Ved P. Nanda. LL.M
  • Yasuaki Onuma, LL.D.
  • Rev. George Regas
  • Yoshikazu Sakamoto
  • Steven Starr 
  • Abp. Desmond M. Tutu
  • Alyn Ware
  • Judge Christopher Weeramantry
  • Burns H. Weston, J.S.D.
  • Jody Williams
*Nobel Laureate 
“The sense of urgency for disarmament is greater than ever. In this David vs. Goliath action, this tiny island nation has found the voice to speak on behalf of the world and the    other nations signatory to the Treaty.” – Jody Williams, 1997 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate  
“This suit is long overdue. The U.S. has been in continuous violation of its Article VI obligations under the NPT since ratification nearly 45 years ago.”
Daniel Ellsberg, Former U.S. Military Analyst
“The Marshall Islands demonstrate immense courage taking the mighty U.S. and the other nuclear-armed nations to the International Court of Justice. We pray their efforts will open the hearts of the international community to finally move toward rapid, total nuclear disarmament.” 
Helen Caldicott, Australian Physician, author and anti-nuclear advocate
“I am a great believer that individuals can make a difference. By filing these lawsuits, the Marshall Islanders show us that we have both the right and the power to hold governments accountable for their actions.”
Bianca Jagger, Social and human rights activist 
“The demand of the Marshall Islands should be echoed by all nations and peoples who will perish if the strategic nuclear arsenals of the nuclear weapon states are detonated in conflict.”
Steven Starr, Physicians for Social Responsibility 
“The failure of the United States to uphold important commitments and respect the law makes the world a more dangerous place. President Obama has said that ridding the world of these devastating weapons is a fundamental moral issue of our time. It is time for the United States to show true leadership by keeping the promise set forth in the Non-Proliferation Treaty.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu 
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
“Nuclear weapons are a clear reflection of fear and paranoia and project a false sense of security. I stand with the Marshall Islands in their pursuit of negotiations for Nuclear Zero, the only safe number of nuclear weapons on the planet.”
Martin Sheen, Actor and Social Justice Activist
“The new legal challenge to nuclear-armed nations from the Marshall Islands is hugely inspiring. The Nuclear Zero campaign is another definitive step in the direction of nuclear abolition.”
Kathleen Sullivan, Program Director, Hibakusha Stories
“Together with our support for your legal proceedings and our recognition of the intense suffering from which this was born, I would like to say that we also feel a strong and long lasting bond with the people of the Marshall Islands. The experience of your country and your people is at the very heart of our movement.”
Kate Hudson, General Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
“The Marshall Islands seeks no compensation through these lawsuits. They acted out of noble intentions. All Marshall Islanders should be proud that their country stands on the side of reason, justice and sanity. In these lawsuits, the Marshall Islands has taken a stand for all humanity. May the Marshalls prevail for the sake of us all and for the future of humanity and the planet.”
Setsuko Thurlow, Survivor of the U.S. atomic bombing in Hiroshima
“The Nuclear Zero lawsuits respond humanely to the pain of Marshall Islanders. The lawsuits are combating nuclearism, a still dangerous spiritual disease, and military stance. They demonstrate determination to take action on behalf of continuing life, rather than giving up on our planet.” 
Robert J. Lifton, American Psychiatrist and Author
“Current nuclear expenditures and policies are genocidal, suicidal, and insane. The use of nuclear weapons, knowing that large numbers of civilians will be killed, is a crime against humanity for which responsible leaders would be held accountable, civilly and criminally, in a national or international criminal court.”
Ben Ferencz, Prosecutor of Nazi War Crimes
“The poisoned and fractured Marshall Islands shout a “broken alleluia” to the planet. This nation of 68,000 people is a victim of “nuclearism”, a terminal pathology which endangers life on earth. Thanks to the scholars, laureates, and truth seekers who support this venture!”
Blase Bonpane, Director of the Offices of America
“The announcement of this legal action was welcomed with applause and loud cheering in New York at the UN. It is inspiring that this small island nation whose people bore the terrible catastrophic consequences of US nuclear testing in the Pacific, with genetic damage, cancer, leukemia and awful mutations caused by the radioactive fallout, has courageously challenged the unconscionable policies of nuclear weapons.” 
Alice Slater, Member of Coordinating Committee, Abolition 2000

Nuke Map

Little BoyHiroshima bomb15 kilotons
Castle Bravo
Largest U.S. bomb tested
15 megatons
Tsar Bomba
Largest bomb ever tested
50 megatons
See what these bombs would do to your hometown


3 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Off topic!

In het nieuwste nummer van National Geographic ruim aandacht voor 'Seed Valley' Nederland, de plek in Noord-Holland met een cluster van bedrijven die zich met biotechnologie bezighouden waaronder Monsanto en Syngenta als meest bekende namen van bedrijven die zich met gentechnologie bezighouden en minder bekende dochterbedrijven. Het artikel onder de naam 'Op zoek naar de perfecte plant' is natuurlijk niet on-line te lezen, wel vond ik een ander artikel 'This land is your land' over het kweken van voedsel onder de grond (In Japan ziet dat er zo uit). Opmerkelijk in dit verband is de disclaimer bij het artikel die luidt: "(Disclaimer: one of those companies, Syngenta, has purchased advertising with National Geographic.)".

Nu het laatse rumour rond de bijensterfte (Colonial Collapse Disorder) als gevolg van bestrijdingsmiddelen als RoundUp, neonicotinoïden, fipronil, Imidacloprid en het coaten van zaden die ook andere insekten bedreigd en de vogelstand aantast een beetje is weggeebt

"Spilzuchtig gebruik
Inmiddels is het gif echter het meest gebruikte insecticide ter wereld. De productie schiet nog altijd omhoog. En het gebruik is ronduit spilzuchtig: het middel wordt niet pas ingezet als er plaaginsecten aanvallen, maar preventief ingezet als zaadcoating, hoewel daarbij gemiddeld 94 procent van het langzaam afbreekbare gif weglekt in het milieu en er bij het zaaien wolken giftig stof wegwaaien.

De uitkomst is een milieuramp die onafhankelijke experts inernst en omvang vergelijken met de ddt-ramp van de jaren zestig en zeventig, maar die lang onopgemerkt bleef doordat de belangrijkste slachtoffers slecht onderzochte, weinig impopulaire insecten zoals vliegen en muggen zijn. Insecten waarvoor geen tellingen of waarneemnetwerken van vrijwilligers bestaan, maar die niettemin een essentieel fundament onder de voedselketen vormen."

zetten wij als Nederland hoog in op een sector die onder aanvoering van Louise Fresco 'Innovatief, hoogwaardig en veelbelovend' heet te zijn.
Er is echter veel aan te merken op de wereldspelers die zich met de vervaardiging van pesticiden en genetisch gemanipuleerde gewassen bezighouden en daar hun fortuin mee maken. Uit tal van onderzoeken blijkt dat risico's van gentech voedsel vaak onderschat of onvoldoende onderzocht zijn. En een populair wetenschappelijk tijdschrift als National Geographic is blijkbaar erg blij met de reclame inkomsten en schuwt niet de propaganda van deze industrie verder te verspreiden.

4 dagen geleden verscheen er een open brief op Joop.nl van Janneke Bruil voor bij de opening van het Academische jaar op 1 september met als ondertitel:"Geen gentechnologie, geen chemicaliën: stimuleer juist duurzame technieken waarmee hogere opbrengsten per hectare behaald worden ". Ik geloof niet dat ze de moeite genomen heeft te reageren. Doet ze dat wel eens?

Anoniem zei

En ja, National Geographic en Syngenta... Deze Belg verwoord het goed.

Ook in andere publicaties van National Geographic is de invloed van de Monsanto's en Syngenta's merkbaar, wordt bijvoorbeeld GMO Contamination gebagatelliseerd:

"Genes flow from crops to weeds all the time when pollen is transported by wind, bees, and other pollinators," says Allison Snow. "There's no doubt that transgenes will jump from engineered crops into nearby relatives." But since gene flow usually takes place only between closely related species, and since most major U.S. crops don't have close relatives growing nearby, it's extremely unlikely that gene flow will occur to create problem weeds."

Co-existentie word gepropageerd maar de kosten voor de vervuiling met transgene gewassen worden eenvoudig op de biologische boer en haar consumenten afgewenteld. Van GMO labelen willen de gentech bedrijven in Amerika niets weten, terwijl de certificering van organic food al jaren een feit is en de besmetting met pollen van transgene gewassen de kosten (testen) ervan opdrijft nog los van het meer algemene risico van een dreigende infectueuze vernietiging van het genoom in haar natuurlijke vorm.

En vlinders zijn zelfs veiliger in met roundup bespoten velden met Bt Mais volgens de entomoloog Rick Hellwich in hetzelfde National Geographic artikel:

"Butterflies are safer in a Bt cornfield than they are in a conventional cornfield, when they're subjected to chemical pesticides that kill not just caterpillars but most insects in the field."

Tja, leuk blad met mooie foto's maar misleidende, eenzijdige, door de gen-tech lobby verspreidde BS in haar publicaties.

"One of the areas where a lot of money is in competition with personal and environmental health is the genetic engineering of food. In September, of 2012 French scientist Gilles-Eric Séralini published some research results in the peer-reviewed journal Food and Chemical Toxicology. The paper describes major long-term effects on rats fed Monsanto corn variety NK603 treated with glyphosate, a herbicide sold under the name Roundup. The study was criticized by some scientists whose views were dutifully reported in the popular press, leaving those who are concerned about the safety of GMOs confused about the truth. However, if you follow the money, you will see that some of the critics have more than scientific credibility at stake." (Dat onderzoek is in 2014 opnieuw gepubliceerd en peer reviewed!) Naturallifemagazine: Follow the money Goed stuk om helemaal te lezen en dat nog steeds erg relevant is!

Gentech in historisch perspectief

"The scientists who developed genetic engineering in the early 1970s built their innovation on the mechanistic, “one gene, one protein” principle, which became known as the Central Dogma of molecular biology".

Farmers Say GMO Corn No Longer Resistant to Pests

The Gene Revolution, The Future of Agriculture: Dr. Thierry Vrain at TEDxComoxValley

Anoniem zei

The tactical nuclear cudgel is a double-edged sword

"While NATO leaders are preparing for the summit in Wales (4-5 September), and thinking about how to ‘punish’ Russia, as it were, for the fact that she is not following the lead of Western powers on the Ukrainian issue, it is about time we recalled one of the main components of the Alliance’s military potential – tactical nuclear weapons on the ground in Europe."[..]

"After all of Obama’s declarations about a «nuclear zero», it was decided at the 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago to modernise America’s tactical nuclear weapons in Europe. The essence of this modernisation is that up until 2012, America’s nuclear arsenal in Europe consisted of B61 gravity bombs, whereas now, these bombs are going to be replaced with B61-12 smart bombs, and, in addition, the existing fleet of bombers is to be replaced with new US F-35 Joint Strike Fighters. This will increase the striking power of NATO’s tactical nuclear weapons by improving target accuracy."

The Earthquake Environmental Justice Groups Don't Talk About

  The Earthquake Environmental Justice Groups Don't Talk About The environmental movement from within the belly of the beast must recogn...