zondag 24 augustus 2014

Zionist Fascism 231

"WATCH a high-riser in GAZA collapse like a house of cards!!! Israel is escalating its offense on Gaza in retribution to the death of a 4-year old child by an uncontrolled rocket from Gaza. RIP little boy! You too, like the over 500 children and minors in Gaza, are the victim of the Israeli occupation, siege, oppression, massacres, ethnic cleansing, and all other plagues inflicted on the Palestinians by Israel and US support. I ask myself: what more escalation can take place? This insane addiction to violence is the equivalent of an alcoholic drinking 10 barrels of whiskey at once and escalating that to... to what? I am very worried." (From Elana Golden)
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De Collaboratie van Joodse Nederlanders met Israelische Terreur

Dankzij het verraad van Anne Frank in 1944 door een nog steeds onbekende Amsterdammer strijkt de hoofdstad jaarlijks miljoenen op. Het toont...