donderdag 28 augustus 2014

Western Mainstream Media Propaganda

Wat waar is weet op dit moment geen van mijn collega's, maar wat opvalt is dat de westerse mainstream media alles wat de NAVO beweert klakkeloos overnemen, terwijl de westerse commerciële massamedia Russische 'informatie' bij voorbaat in twijfel trekken of domweg verzwijgen. En dat is zeker niet de taak van een echte 'vrije pers.' Een onafhankelijke journalist dient daarbij niet te vergeten hoeveel de NAVO zowel over de illegale inval in Irak heeft gelogen als over de door de NAVO gesteunde acties in Syrie, Afghanistan en Oekraïne.

Russian Defense Ministry: Online list of army units 'relocated to Ukraine' is a fake

Published time: August 28, 2014 18:09
Edited time: August 28, 2014 20:33

Army aviation consisting of several KA-52 "Alligator" helicopters during the active phase of battalion tactical exercises (BTU) of the 5th Field Army in the Sergeyevsky polygon in Primorsky Krai (RIA Novosti / Vitaliy Ankov)
Army aviation consisting of several KA-52 "Alligator" helicopters during the active phase of battalion tactical exercises (BTU) of the 5th Field Army in the Sergeyevsky polygon in Primorsky Krai (RIA Novosti / Vitaliy Ankov)
Russia’s Defense Ministry has denied the veracity of a list of military units that a human rights blog claimed have been amassed in the warzone in eastern Ukraine, saying it has “no relation to reality.”
“We have studied the contents of this hoax, and are obliged to disappoint its overseas authors and their few sympathizers in Russia, who have joined forces to publish their ‘revelations’ about the Defense Ministry,” spokesman General Igor Konashenkov said in a statement cited by Russian news agencies.

“Their scoop bears no relation to reality,” he added.

The list of units – variously referred to by the authors as having been “moved to the conflict area” and“stationed on the southeastern border with Ukraine” – was published Tuesday afternoon by a blog belonging to a low-profile Russian veterans’ organization, Forgotten Regiment. The group is headed by human rights activist Elena Vasilieva, who recently claimed that bodies of dead Russian soldiers have been coming back en masse from eastern Ukraine.

The enlisted regiments number up to 15,000 troops, according to the blog’s authors, who say that more divisions are stationed near the northeastern border between the two countries.

Vasilieva claimed that information “had been received from a source,” and confirmed by “media reports and crumbs of information coming from the Defense Ministry.”

The ministry said that the units listed – which include infantry, artillery, paratrooper and reconnaissance regiments – are indeed “combat ready,” but insisted that they were undergoing routine training on practice ranges around the country, in accordance with a military plan approved in December 2013.
The ministry also branded as “cynical” the instructions to “disseminate this information and hand it over to those concerned about the wellbeing of their relatives serving in the army.”
A soldier in the infantry brigade during the active phase of battalion tactical exercises (BTU) of the 5th Field Army at the Sergeyevsky polygon in Primorsky Krai (RIA Novosti / Vitaliy Ankov)
A soldier in the infantry brigade during the active phase of battalion tactical exercises (BTU) of the 5th Field Army at the Sergeyevsky polygon in Primorsky Krai (RIA Novosti / Vitaliy Ankov)

Rebel forces opened a new front in their battle against the government when they captured the key coastal town of Novoazovsk, between Crimea and the Russian border, on Thursday morning. The counter-attack prompted Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to accuse Moscow of “bringing troops into Ukraine.” 
Russia has rejected the accusation, and Aleksandr Zakharchenko, prime minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, claimed that only Russian volunteers are involved in the struggle against Kiev.

The rebels’ fortunes also received a boost in the Donetsk region, where they encircled the transport hub of Ilovaysk. On Thursday, Poroshenko blamed desertions of commanding personnel as the reason for the military setback.

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