dinsdag 26 augustus 2014

Esther Voet. Raciste. CIDI 11

Esther Voet,

Kun je antwoord geven op de volgende vraag?

Open Letter to Israel’s Supporters: Where Do You Draw the 

Line Between 'Defense' and Atrocities?

As a human being, where do you draw the line?

Dear U.S. supporters of Israel in Gaza:
If you believed the IDF could destroy Hamas by employing portable gas chambers or chemical weapons to publicly gas over 1,400 Gazan civilians, including 400 children, chosen at random, would you favor doing so? I guess not. Perhaps you even feel insulted at the suggestion that you might. But this raises a basic question: if you would not favor gassing Palestinan civilians, how do you justify your support for blowing them to bits?

448 children killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza, UN says

The 72-hour ceasefire had barely expired when Israeli airstrikes on Gaza resumed on Friday. As Israel claimed it is targeting “terror sites,” its first victim was a ten-year-old child in Gaza City. Ibrahim Dawawsa was killed while playing with some friends in the yard of a mosque close to his home, when a missile ended his life and injured his two young friends. 

During the nearly month-long military offensive on Gaza prior to the short ceasefire, Israel killed 448 children and injured 2,502, according to United Nations estimates. As of 8 August, the death toll in Gaza had reached 1,922.

Death toll rose even when bombing stopped


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