zondag 11 november 2012



Sunday, 11 November 2012
t r u t h o u t

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The BuzzFlash commentary for Truthout will return Monday, Nov. 12.

Ten Women Who Helped Defeat Mitt Romney
Mexico Charges 14 Federal Police in Attack on CIA Officers
The Heritage Foundation's Declaration of War Against President Obama is Not Well Received
This is How a Cop Cover-Up Works
How One Seattle Town Dismissed All its Marijuana Charges
Is Gunman's Spree at Chicken Plant Really "Puzzling"?
Austerity Farm: Where Cuts For Some Are More Equal Than Cuts For Others
Rabbi Michael Lerner, Truthout: Obama and his cheerleaders are as likely to be obstacles as they are allies in taking the steps needed for us to move towards The Caring Society.
H. Patricia Hynes, Truthout: In our Listening to Soldiers and Vets Series, voices of soldiers and veterans of WWI eerily echo plaints of futility and folly we hear from today's protesters.
Neil Tangri and Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, Other Worlds: Over the last 20 years, waste pickers in India - workers in the informal economy who recover recyclable materials from trash - have transformed both their city's municipal waste management system and their own lives.
Paul Jay, The Real News: A group of Democrats called "The Third Way" are working with President Obama towards the "grand betrayal" on social security.
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!: As the most expensive presidential election in U.S. history comes to an end, broadcaster Tavis Smiley and professor, activist Dr. Cornel West join us to discuss President Obama's re-election and their hopes for a national political agenda in and outside of the White House during Obama's second term.
Steven M Davidoff, The New York Times News Service: The wholesale involvement of politicians in finance as opposed to, say, working at industrial America or advising the nation's educational and charitable institutions may be a serious misdirection of resources.
Diana Tussie, Triple Crisis: The clearest lesson to draw from these cases: international creditors will always push as far they can. The debtors may be afraid of the costs of default only until the cost of fear becomes intolerable.
Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism: The Obama victory was less than 24 hours old when the Rubinite faction of the Democratic party was out full bore selling "reforming" Social Security, giving it higher priority than any other measure on the table while simultaneously admitting that this is not even a pressing (let alone real) problem.
Mike Elk, Jacobin Magazine: The labor movement as a whole spent an estimated $400 million electing Democrats this year, demonstrating how costly they believe a Republican takeover could have been.
Staff, Making Contact: Between 1956 and 1971, the FBI conducted more than 2,000 COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) operations. This week we broadcast the second half of the documentary film "COINTELPRO 101," produced by The Freedom Archives.

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