zaterdag 16 juni 2012

Information Clearing House

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"Washington...has become an alien city-state that rules America, and much of the rest of the world, in the way that Rome ruled the Roman Empire."  -Richard Maybury

"Make wars unprofitable and you make them impossible." -  A. Philip Randolph

"It is always easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them." - Alfred Adler

"To some degree it matters who's in office, but it matters more how much pressure they're under from the public."  - Noam Chomsky
June 15 /16, 2012
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 Op-Ed Articles

US Official: Russia Sends Troops to Syria as Peace Hopes Fade
By Jim Miklaszewski, NBC New
Moscow has sent a ship carrying a small contingent of combat forces to guard Russia's deep-water port and military base at the Syrian city of Tartus, the US officials said.

McCain Admits U.S. Armed And Equipped Libya Rebels
Calls For Same In Syria Conflict
We just need to arm and equip these people, the same way that we did in Libya.

U.S. Exploits Syrian Situation For Showdown With Russia
By Rick Rozoff
On June 12 what passes for the U.S.'s top diplomat, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, further escalated tensions with Russia in an appearance with Israeli President Shimon Peres at the Brookings Institution.

The Path to War with Iran
By Robert W. Merry
Like Roosevelt in his dealings with Japan, President Barack Obama has helped place Iran under severe strain of economic sanctions.

UN: Israeli Forces Killed 2,300 in Gaza Under Blockade
By Ma'an
Israeli forces have killed nearly 2,300 Palestinians and injured 7,700 in Gaza over the last five years, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said Thursday.

This is Racism, pure and simple
Uri Avnery
As a citizen of a state that calls itself "Jewish", or even "the state of the Holocaust survivors", I am disgusted.

Drone Me Down on the Killing Floor
By Pepe Escobar
And the winner of the Humanitarian Oscar for Best Targeted Assassination with No Collateral Damage goes to... the Barack Obama White House death squad.

Do Americans Approve Mass Murder?
By Michael Hampton
A majority of Americans, it seems, approve of drone strikes against "terrorists", even if they kill innocent bystanders.

Take Action: Kill the 'Kill List'
Obama's Kill List: Silence Is Not an Option
By The Editors
Liberals raised a ruckus about President Bush's human rights abuses. Silence now is not an option.

Blowback, or Impossible Dilemmas of Declining Powers
By Immanuel Wallerstein.
Blowback occurs when the declining power engages in behavior that, in the short run, achieves some immediate objective but, in the middle run, makes their power decline even faster.

Revolution 2.0
The True Face of Egypt's Military

With this brazen act of thwarting the political will of the Egyptian people, the emerging Islamic and revolutionary parties have now been totally stripped of their political ascendency, less than five months after their rise to power.

Romney's Campaign of Inanity
By Ralph Nader
Mitt Romney's daily dittohead assertions make one wonder what he got out of the law and business degrees he received from Harvard University.

See You at the Club: Fed Fat Cats Dip Into the Till
Fed members gave their own banks $4 trillion during bailout
By Robert Scheer
During the financial crisis, at least 18 former and current directors from Federal Reserve Banks worked in banks and corporations that collectively received over $4 trillion in low-interest loans from the Federal Reserve."

Hard News  

Bomber targets Syria shrine as 35 killed:   A suicide bomber blew up a vehicle near a shrine in Syria's capital Thursday, wounding 14 people, state media and witnesses said, as 35 people were reported killed across the country.

U.S.: Russian military ship en route to Syria:   A Russian ship carrying small arms and ammunition and possibly a small contingent of troops is on its way out of the Black Sea and into the Mediterranean bound for Syria. U.S. intelligence believes the weapons are intended to re-supply or beef up the defenses at Russia's naval base in Syria.

US holds high-level talks with Syrian rebels seeking weapons:   Syrian rebels have held meetings with senior US government officials in Washington as pressure mounts on the US to authorise a shipment of heavy weapons, including surface-to-air missiles to combat the Assad regime, the Daily Telegraph has learned.

US backtracks on claims Russia is arming Syrian regime:   The US state department has acknowledged that Russian helicopters it claimed had been sent recently to the Syrian regime were, in fact, refurbished ones already owned by Damascus.

Russia denies entering talks on political transition in Syria:   ''It's not true that we are discussing Syria's fate after Bashar Assad. We aren't dealing with a regime change either through approving unilateral actions at the United Nations Security Council, nor through taking part in some political conspiracies,'' Lavrov said following talks with his Iraqi counterpart in Moscow.

UN's Syrian Ambassador: 'No-fly-zone is a declaration of war':   In an interview with ITV News, Syria's Ambassador to the UN, Bashar Ja'afari, warns that the French proposal for a no-fly zone would be regarded as an "act of war" by Syria.

Syrian fighters' credibility shot to pieces by toy guns posturing:
IF DECEPTION has always been part of war, it has not often been as bungled as in the video announcement by Syrian opposition fighters of the formation of a special forces brigade joining the battle against the President, Bashar al-Assad.

BBC world news editor: Houla massacre coverage based on opposition propaganda:
As quietly as possible, BBC world news editor Jon Williams has admitted that the coverage of last month's Houla massacre in Syria by the world's media and his own employers was a compendium of lies

Gunmen massacre Iraqi family:
Gunmen shot dead a father, mother and at least three children early on Friday, while a husband and wife were killed in a separate attack, security and medical officials said.

2 NATO occupation troops, among 38 killed in Afghanistan:   NATO says separate attacks have killed two service members in different parts of Afghanistan, while Afghan officials say a two-day operation in eastern Paktika province has left 34 "insurgents" and two policemen dead.

15 militants killed in Pakistan:   At least six militants were killed in the mountain region of upper Dir area at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and some nine militants died in Orakzai agency after their hideouts were air-bombed by Pakistani security forces Thursday, Dawn reported.

Yemen troops kill 15 "Qaeda" gunmen:   Yemeni forces killed 15 Al-Qaeda fighters in a clash at a control station in Shabwa province on the country's only gas export pipeline, a military official and a witness said on Friday.

Libya descends into militia chaos as hostages still held:
As the casualties mount from fresh clashes in southern Libya between soldiers and tribesmen, the security situation in the capital Tripoli, Zintan, Misrata and the eastern city of Benghazi remains shaky as militia groups extend their control.

Egypt reels from 'judicial coup':   Egypt's transition to democracy was thrown into further disarray yesterday after its top court ordered parliament dissolved and allowed a disputed candidate to remain in a divisive presidential runoff. Activists and political figures have described the rulings as the final phase of a military coup that takes the transition back to square one.

Egypt: SCAF to Issue Constitutional Declaration On Presidential Powers in Two Days:   According to the constitutional declaration, article 56 states that the Supreme Council of Armed Forces runs the country, has legislative powers, endorses general state policies and the general budget, names appointed MPs, calls upon the parliament to convene in ordinary and extraordinary sessions and represents the state internally and externally.

Contractors run U.S. spying missions in Africa:   The contractors supply the aircraft as well as the pilots, mechanics and other personnel to help process electronic intelligence collected from the airspace over Uganda, Congo, South Sudan and the Central African Republic.

50 aid groups demand Israel lift Gaza blockade:
Fifty international aid groups and U.N. agencies on Thursday urged Israel to open Gaza's borders, saying its border blockade violates international law and indiscriminately harms Gaza's 1.6 million people.

Israel demolishes Arab village 38 times:   Palestinian villagers have addressed the Guinness Book of World Records to register a ruinous "record". A Bedouin village in Israel has been demolished 38 times by Israeli authorities, who say people in the village do not have building permits.

Britain Unveils Electronic Mass Surveillance Plan:   British authorities on Thursday unveiled an ambitious plan to log details about every Web visit, email, phone call or text message in the U.K. - and in a sharply-worded editorial the nation's top law enforcement official accused those worried about the surveillance program of being either criminals or conspiracy theorists.

Kidnapping by Mexican police caught on video:   Mexican police were caught on video performing a kidnap operation in conjunction with alleged drug cartel members of the Jalisco New Generation drug cartel.

Thwarted by Congress, Obama to stop deporting young illegal immigrants:   Effective immediately, young immigrants who arrived in the U.S. illegally before they turned 16 will be allowed to apply for work permits as long as they have no criminal history and meet other criteria, officials said.

Stranger than fiction: Michigan bans women representatives for using the V-word:   Two Michigan legislators have been blocked from speaking on the state House floor as punishment for using the word vagina in a heated debate over abortion.

Greece Sinks Into Despair: 'There's Nothing Here Anymore':
Extreme political uncertainty, rampant corruption, queues forming at soup kitchens, and aid from non-governmental organizations (NGOs)-all these are more commonly associated with countries still developing Western-style economies.

IMF urges Europe to help refinance Irish bank bail-out:   The International Monetary Fund on Friday urged Europe to help Ireland refinance its crippling bank bailout and consider taking equity in state-owned banks to help Dublin return to bond markets and avoid a second bailout next year.

UK: Osborne unveils £140bn scheme to kick-start stagnant economy:   George Osborne unveiled a £140 billion emergency scheme to try to avoid a second credit crunch caused by the ongoing chaos in the eurozone.

Jamie Dimon Is Not Alone: : Banks and Businesses Took $4 Trillion in Bailouts -   "This report reveals the inherent conflicts of interest that exist at the Federal Reserve.
 "Let us be peace and joy"

Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,807

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :3,049
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001


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