vrijdag 27 april 2012

The Zionist Lobby 7

Jewish Voice for Peace

Thank you, 60 Minutes. Journalists who tell
the truth about Palestinian life under occupation deserve our thanks, not political attacks.


Dear Stan,
60 Minutes, America's best-known news program, is under attack for reporting the actual impact of the Israeli occupation on Palestinians.

In less than 24 hours, we beat our goal of 10,000 people sending thanks to 60 Minutes' producers. But the pro-Israeli Occupation machine has flooded 60 Minutes with at least 29,000 angry emails. [1] 

Our new goal is to counter the attacks with more than 36,000 people saying thank-you to 60 Minutes.
Can you join the thousands who have already signed?  You can click here to sign the petition:


I'm writing to you from Florida, where the Methodist Church will be voting on a historic resolution to stop investing in 3 companies that profit from Israel’s occupation. If this were about any other country that had violated international law for nearly 45 years, the vote would be a no-brainer.

But I have seen first-hand how fear of being unfairly painted with charges of anti-Jewish bias can keep good and decent people from working to end an occupation that harms both Palestinians and Israelis.

The truth is that these scare tactics only work if we let them. The cost of speaking the facts is nothing compared to what Palestinians have already endured—decades of unlawful home demolitions, checkpoints, land confiscation, detentions without charges, and much more.
Please, take a moment to sign the petition at ThankYou60Minutes.org. Send a message to every major news outlet in American that we demand fair and honest reporting. Don't let 60 Minutes back down. Not now. 

Thanyou,Sydney Levy,
Jewish Voice for Peace

[1] Right Turn by Jennifer Rubin, April 24, 2012: Backlash builds over ‘60 Minutes’ hatchet job on Israel 

Before the broadcast aired, the Israeli Ambassador to the US pressured CBS not to air the segment (with the knowledge of the Israeli Prime Minister) [1]and the Jewish Federations of North America asked supporters to make sure CBS would be "flooded with responses" for daring to be "highly critical of Israel." [2] The Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin reported that 60 Minutes received at least 29,000 messages, many of them from the far-right Christians United for Israel. [3] Finally, the attacks were echoed by U.S. Jewish groups such as the Anti-Defamation League [4] and Bnai Brith. [5]
For more info about the treatment of Palestinian Christians by Israel, read +972's piece by Yossi Gurwitz.
This petition is a project of Jewish Voice for Peace, a national grassroots organization dedicated to promoting equality, democracy and self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians.

3 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

Dezelfde leugen wordt natuurlijk ook al jarenlang door christenzionisten in Nederland verspreid. Op 30 oktober 1997 schreef het ANP al: 'Arafat treitert eigen christenen het land uit', met o.a.: "Wie het geld niet heeft om te emigreren, voelt zich gedwongen zijn christelijke religie in het geheim te belijden."

Sonja zei

Nieuws uit de Lunatic State: Israël waarschuwt voor nucleaire wapenwedloop.

Sonja zei

NOS-correspondente Monique van Hoogstraten hangt ook de haar "vertrouwde" Israëlische vlag uit http://weblogs.nos.nl/midden-oosten/2012/04/26/vaderslandsliefde-gratis-aan-huis-bezorgd/

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