dinsdag 23 februari 2010

The Empire 536

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The Secret History of Gen. Alexander Haig

by: Melvin A. Goodman, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

Alexander Haig. (Photo: Tom Ordelman)

The obituaries in the mainstream media failed to capture the full extent of the controversy and confrontation that marked Gen. Alexander M. Haig's political career in the White House during the Nixon administration and the State Department during the Reagan administration. In his memoir, Henry A. Kissinger praised Haig's role in 1973-1974 in "holding the government together" in the final days of the Nixon era. Kissinger was respectful of Haig because the general allowed the national security adviser to do as he pleased in his stewardship of foreign and national security policy.

Haig's hands-off attitude allowed Kissinger to unnecessarily and dangerously raise the nuclear alert status to Defense Condition III for the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis in an effort to deter the Soviets from any military intervention in the last days of the October War of 1973. But there was no Soviet intention to intervene, and our European allies - let alone Moscow - were particularly upset with the nuclear alert. Several of our NATO allies, including Germany, Spain and Italy, limited US access to their bases as a result of DefCon-III. Neither Haig nor Kissinger ever explained their rationale for the heightened nuclear alert - although they promised to do so.

Gen. Haig never should have permitted Kissinger to chair a meeting of the National Security Council, let alone raise the nuclear alert status, without the presence of President Richard M. Nixon, who was indisposed at the time. The National Security Act of 1947 makes it clear that only the president or the vice president must run such a meeting or the president must issue a written authorization to make it clear who is going to run the meeting. The United States had no vice president at the time because Spiro Agnew had been forced to resign and Gerald Ford had not been confirmed. The meeting was held shortly before midnight on October 24, and Haig refused to awaken the sleeping president. The decision of Haig and Kissinger was reckless and could have had grave consequences.

Haig was a major player in the US failure to understand the role of international terrorism and to falsely blame the Soviet Union for the orchestration of terrorism. As the new secretary of state, Haig arrived at the State Department with strong anti-Soviet baggage, based in part on his belief that the Soviet Union was a primary source of support for international terrorism. There had been an attempt to assassinate Haig in Europe in June 1979, only four days before he stepped down as Supreme Allied Commander for Europe. The Soviets had nothing to do with the assassination attempt, but in his confirmation hearings on January 14, 1981, Haig charged the Soviets with orchestrating the attempt. On that same day, the Senate confirmed William Casey as director of the CIA by a vote of 95 to 0. From that point forward, Haig and Casey led an effort to portray Moscow as orchestrating terrorism "like a giant Wurlitzer organ."

Haig and Casey immediately conspired to produce a National Intelligence Estimate on international terrorism, knowing that they had a high-level supporter for their views, the incoming president, Ronald Reagan. Reagan's campaign oratory against the Soviets regularly referred to "Soviet-trained terrorists who are bringing civil war to Central America," requiring a "stand against terrorism in the world." Haig and Casey believed that CIA political analysis was naive and unsophisticated, and wanted an estimate on terrorism for key policy-makers to demonstrate that a new era had begun at the CIA. The new National Intelligence Officer for the Soviet Union, Robert Gates, immediately became an advocate for Casey's hard-line views, serving as Casey's special assistant, deputy director for intelligence and deputy for central intelligence.

Lees verder: http://www.truthout.org/the-secret-history-gen-alexander-haig57115

3 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

Our Taliban
By John Feffer on 4 hours ago

The Dutch government is the latest casualty of the Afghanistan War. Over the weekend, the Labor Party in the Netherlands walked out of the ruling coalition government to protest the extension of the Dutch deployment in Afghanistan.

The Taliban is rejoicing.

Oh, perhaps you thought I meant the Taliban in Afghanistan. No, I meant the Taliban in the Netherlands. You didn't know there was a Dutch Taliban? It goes by a different name, you see. It's the Freedom Party, and it's poised to become a top vote-getter in the elections that will follow in the wake of the ruling coalition's collapse. (Lees verder)

Sonja zei

ANP: Piloot ramt gebouw VS met vliegtuig

AUSTIN - Een piloot van een klein vliegtuig is donderdag expres tegen het gebouw van de Amerikaanse belastingdienst in de stad Austin (Texas) gevlogen. De man had een conflict met de dienst en handelde uit wraak, meldden Amerikaanse media.

"De man had een conflict met de dienst en handelde uit wraak". Zelfs zijn zelfmoordbriefje wordt geciteerd: "Geweld is niet alleen het antwoord, het is het enige antwoord." Waarom zo mooi gepresenteerd? Omdat hij geen moslim was. Daarom ontbreekt ook overal de woorden "terroristische aanslag" en "zelfmoordterrorist". Sterker nog, de man is inmiddels een held in de VS, een martelaar.

AdR zei

Er er is meer aan die man die een toren van de belastingdienst invloog (tja, waar betalen ze die torens van?) dan de mainstream publiciteit aanwil.
Kijk hier en hier.

Een niet-moslim die het zo helemaal gehad heeft met het regime dat hij zich als zelfmoordcommando gedraagt, dat is moeilijk verwerken.

Zionist Nazi's. Punish Them

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