donderdag 21 mei 2009

De Pro Israel Lobby 128

This is from a dedicated BDS activist in Australia ... It is an opinion piece by union heavyweights in the UK, US and Australia opposing the Israel boycott, published in Australia's only national newspaper -- a "hard Zionist" paper, as the activist reports.  

The main point to note is that these pro-Israel union voices have been summoned by the lobby to counter the boycott, which they themselves admit is "growing by leaps and bounds" and "seems unstoppable." As in the striking admission by the AIPAC Executive Director earlier this month, such testimonies from our staunchest adversaries are the strongest indicators that BDS is not only working, but truly shaking the Western mainstream walls.

Omar Barghouti

Unions move to overturn Israel boycott

Paul Howes, Michael Leahy and Stuart Appelbaum | May 21, 2009

Article from:  The Australian

LAST month, the Scottish Trade Unions Congress became the latest in a series of unions to call for a boycott of Israeli products. Support for boycotting, divesting from and sanctions against the Jewish state appears to be growing by leaps and bounds.

It has already won considerable support from trade unions in South Africa, Ireland, Britain and Norway. It seems unstoppable. But we intend to stop it.

TULIP - Trade Unions Linking Israel and Palestine - is a new global movement that believes in engaging with workers and their unions in Israel and Palestine, promoting co-operation and reconciliation.

We do not believe in boycotts, divestment and sanctions. We believe in peace and in a two-state solution to the conflict.

Our new global movement seeks allies in unions and non-governmental organisations everywhere who want to work together to demand respect for all Palestinians, Israelis and guest workers living in that region.

We believe we can take significant strides towards peace and reconciliation if we support those striving to improve the living standards of all working people in the region.

There are outstanding examples of co-operation between Israeli and Palestinian unions that need to be encouraged. For example, there's a remarkable initiative launched by the International Transport Workers Federation to make life much easier for Palestinian drivers.

This has been a small but ground-breaking union agreement encouraging dialogue between the Palestinian and Israeli national trade union centres, as well as individual unions and their members on both sides of the divide. This agreement will help improve the livelihoods of hard-working union truckers and their families.

As we write this the ITF is organising to move this important project to a higher level with the co-operation of the Israel trade union congress Histadrut and the Palestinian transport workers union.

This model is a firm rejection of those in trade unions promoting an Israel boycott movement.

This model upholds the traditional role of trade unions when faced with disputes of this kind: bridging the gap between nations at war, encouraging peace, justice and conciliation. It is a trade union tradition and role that we are particularly proud to uphold.

We also applaud the role of the International Trade Union Confederation, which has helped to broker co-operation agreements between the Histadrut and the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions.

It is unfortunate that in recent years a number of national unions and trade union centres have changed course and abandoned that role.

Instead, they have rallied behind those Palestinians who are opposed to the peace process. Some have gone so far as to deny Israel's right to exist and attacked the Histadrut.

In doing so, in backing the Hamas terrorists who deny Israel's right to exist, they have thrown their support behind Iran's power play in the region. And the Iranian regime is no friend of the trade union movement. Iran - and its Hamas puppets - have a long record of suppressing trade unions and human rights.

Those who support the boycott of Israel actually do nothing to promote peace, justice and reconciliation: in fact, they harm those who want to end the political hegemony of the extremists on both sides.

The boycott stance provides succour to the extremists in Israel and Palestine who refuse to accept the humanity of the other, who refuse to respect the right of all workers in the region to be able to build decent lives for themselves and their families in a peaceful, just and democratic climate.

In recent weeks and months a number of unions have called for boycotts and sanctions directed exclusively against Israel.

They are attempting to demonise the Jewish state, to deny it legitimacy, and to whip up hatred against it. Sometimes that hatred spills over into anti-Semitism.

Those unions are terribly wrong.

We believe the time has come for trade unionists across the world to join forces in support of genuine Israeli-Palestinian peace with justice, based on a two-state solution with secure and recognised borders.

There are already unions and associated NGOs in a number of countries that support this goal. But they are fighting this battle alone, each in their own country. It is time we united our forces.

Today we are publicly launching this new global movement, TULIP.

At the moment, the opponents of a two-state solution are on the offensive, working hard to promote their destructive agenda of boycotts and sanctions targeting Israel. It's time for trade unionists in all countries to go on the offensive, to challenge the apologists for Hamas and Hezbollah in the labour movement.

We have no illusions that this will be anything other than a long and difficult process. But we also know that we have no choice.

We cannot abandon the field to those whose goal is the destruction of any chance for a real Israeli-Palestinian peace.

We welcome trade unionists from all countries to join us.

Paul Howes is national secretary of the Australian Workers Union; Michael J. Leahy is general secretary of Britain's Community union; and Stuart Appelbaum is president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, representing workers in the US and Canada.

3 opmerkingen:

Sam zei

Inderdaad een poging om tegenwicht te bieden door een groepje zionisten in (zoals we vaak zien) hoge postities. Die Stuart Appleboom is tevens voorzitter van de Jewish Labor Committee vond ik op google. Hoop dat de bonden die de boycot steunen niet in de "mooie" woorden hierboven trappen, terwijl de bezetting en onderdrukking gewoon doorgaat.

Lucas zei

Elsbet Etty in de NRC:

"De grens moet worden getrokken bij de aantasting van de fundamentele rechten en vrijheden van anderen. Een voorbeeld is een oproep van een ‘links-autonome’ vakbond in Rome. Die heeft opgeroepen tot boycot van Joodse winkels uit protest tegen de Israëlische militaire actie in Gaza. Een dergelijke oproep is niet alleen ten diepste verwerpelijk, maar ontoelaatbaar in een democratische rechtsstaat. Hetzelfde geldt voor de oproep van het PVV-Kamerlid Wilders om de Koran te verbieden."

Zo gek, je zou toch verwachten dat alleen Arische Duitsers en Oostenrijkers zaken doen met Israël. Maar Joden? Wie had kunnen bevroeden dat een boycot van Israëlische producten uiteindelijk tot een lijst van hoofdzakelijk Joodse winkels en bedrijven leidt. Elsbeth Ettty in ieder geval niet.

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Italian newspapers reproduced handbills they said were dished out Thursday by the small Flaica-Cub union, linked to the retail and food sectors. The flyers urged a boycott of “shops in central Rome linked to the Israelite community.”

But the union’s provincial president Giancarlo Desiderati said on its website Friday that “we never singled out Rome’s Jewish community … We condemn any form of anti-Semitism.”

“What we propose with our initiative is a definitive boycott of Israel because whoever uses military force against unarmed civilians, whether they are Palestinian or Israeli, commits a crime against human life,” said Desiderati.

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Lucas zei

Een Pavlov-achtig automatisme dat men niet zelden tegenkomt bij mensne die in de jaren vijftig een Joodse opvoeding hebben genoten.

"Israel is burning children alive"

Khalissee @Kahlissee "Israel is burning children alive" "You are destroying this country shame on all of you" Ex U.S. ...