maandag 18 mei 2009

De Pro Israel Lobby 125

Hier komt het inderdaad op neer. Steunen de Amerikaanse volksvertegenwoordigers de joodse en christelijke zionisten of hun eigen president? Zoveel macht hebben de niet gekozen zionisten over bijvoorbeeld de gekozen Amerikaanse senatoren, die volgens Ben Knapen van de NRC zijn omgekocht door Wall Street die 'vele jaren de dienst uit[maakte], praktisch voor elke senatorcampagne [betaalde], kortom, het centrum van financiële, politieke en ideologische zwaartekracht [was]', dat ze al geruime tijd de Amerikaanse Midden-Oosten politiek bepalen.

Huffington bericht:

Will Congress Back Bibi Or Obama?

The status quo lobby (SQL) is getting worried. Very worried.

It knew that President Barack Obama was determined to move aggressively on his Middle East peace agenda but never imagined that he would be this bold. He telephoned the Israeli, Palestinian, Egyptian, Jordanian and Saudi leaders on his first full day in office.

He did an extensive television interview with Al Arabiyyah to directly reach out to the Arab world. He appointed George Mitchell as his Middle East Special Envoy to put together a deal. He's going to Cairo to address the world's Muslims from the capital of the Arab world. And next week, he begins meeting in Washington with key Arab leaders (including the Palestinians) and Prime Minister Netanyahu.

And he has abandoned one-sided statements of enthusiastic support for everything Israel does (along with ritualistic condemnations of Palestinians), which has been the rather transparent stock-in-trade of all previous administrations since Grover Cleveland's. (Slight exaggeration). During the campaign he promised to be an honest broker, and he is living up to that promise. He is in no one's pocket.

And then there is Iran. He said last year that he would pursue diplomacy with Iran and that is what he is doing. No one is going to box him into either going to war with the Iranians (or condoning an attack by any other party) unless he believes that there is absolutely no alternative to war and that the war would achieve its purported goals. He will not be steamrolled.

Gezien het feit dat zoals Ben Knapen terecht opmerkt de Amerikaanse senatoren corrupt zijn, denk ik dat de joodse lobby en de fundamentalistische christelijke lobby het gaan winnen.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

En Ben Knapen kan het weten hoe 'dingen' werken. Dat is het mooie ervan om in 2 werelden te leven. Hij is zelf praktiserend bezig in de ene wereld en kan het in de andere wereld hierdoor haarfijn uitleggen. Een ervaringsdeskundige.


"Israel is burning children alive"

Khalissee @Kahlissee "Israel is burning children alive" "You are destroying this country shame on all of you" Ex U.S. ...