maandag 12 november 2007

De Pro-Israel Lobby 59

Dit is Alan Dershowitz, een van de fanatiekste pro-Israel lobbyisten ter wereld, hoogleraar strafrecht aan de prestigieuze Universiteit van Harvard. Ik heb hem de volgende email geschreven:

'dear mr. dershowitz

i am a journalist and author for a long time now. i am writing a book about the illegality of the israeli occupation of palestinian land in the westbank.

my question is simple: how can an expert in criminal law who knows like everybody else that stealing is forbidden by law defend the israeli politics of stealing palestinian land? especially after in 2004 the international court of justice in the hague concluded in an advisory opinion that the wall build on palestinian land as well as the jewish settlements on palestinian land are illegal by rules of international law.
waiting for your reply
yours sincerely
stan van houcke'

Tot nu toe heb ik alleen nog deze reactie gekregen:

'Thank you for your submission.Messages for Professor Dershowitz are reviewed by his staff throughout the day. If you are reading this, rest assured that we have received yours.If you have submitted a legal case, please allow 6 to 8 weeks for review.If you have submitted an interview request or an invitation, we will respond as quickly as possible.If you have written to express a view or have specific questions, we will try our best to respond. We hope that you will understand that time and resources do not allow Professor Dershowitz to respond to every message individually, but he is always grateful for thoughtful comments and questions.


The Office of Alan Dershowitz'

Ik wacht af.

2 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

"Thank you for your submission." Brrrrr..

Anoniem zei

Je had net zo goed kunnen vragen, "Sir, whence art thou a hypocritical bastard?"

Harvard, dat was "prestigieus", als ik me goed herinner? Zelfs een geflipte pseudo-wetenschapper als Daniel Goldhagen weet in die toko hoogleraar te worden. Dat zegt wel wat, nietwaar.

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