Globalization is an attempt to extend corporate monopoly control over the whole globe. Over every national economy. Over every local economy Over every life.
Dr. Michael Parenti, one of North America's leading radical writers on U.S. imperialism and interventionism, fascism, democracy and the media, spoke to several hundred people at St. Andrews Wesley Church in Vancouver. Dr. Parenti has taught political science at a number of colleges and universities in the United States and other countries. He was written 250 majro magazine articles and 15 books and is frequently heard on public and alternative radio.' Zie:
1 opmerking:
Alle lectures van Parenti zouden als scholing moeten gelden voor burgers in plaats van de globalistische commerciele verdeel en heers propaganda.
Naast sommige lectures op p2p programma's zoals op eMule vind je hier ook het een en ander:
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