Het Amerikaanse Public Broadcasting Service bericht: 'The Biggest Employee Buyout in American History.
General Motors' historic offer to every employee - take the cash and walk away. The biggest employee buyout in American history. This time on NOW.
On Friday, over 100,000 General Motors auto workers must make a pivotal deal or no deal decision: stick to careers with uncertain futures, or allow GM to buy them out and walk away from jobs that many have held their entire lives. On June 23 at 8:30 p.m. on PBS's newsmagazine NOW, a former GM employee returns to Michigan to find out what happens when an entire generation of autoworkers is asked to leave so that their company may survive. The biggest employer buyout in American history, and the legacy it leaves behind. This time on NOW.
Note: The NOW website at www.pbs.org/now will provide follow-up coverage to the show starting Friday morning, June 23. Features will include web-exclusive interviews, more personal stories from GM workers, and a closer look at what some see as a benefits crisis in American industry.' Zie:
http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/225/index.html Of: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/062206U.shtml
Amerikaanse auto's worden goedkoper gefabriceerd in een lagelonenland als Mexico en betere niet Amerikaanse auto's, die minder benzine slurpen, worden gefabriceerd in Korea en Japan. In de Verenigde Staten produceert alleen nog de wapen en amusementsindustrie beter dan waar dan ook ter wereld.
1 opmerking:
Uit beschouwingen van maanden geleden (toen deze gebeurtenis al ter sprake kwam) kwam het welgemeende advies: take the cash!
GM is ten dode opgeschreven, al zal het einde waarschijnlijk in de vorm van een overname door Toyota o.i.d. worden gegoten.
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