woensdag 1 maart 2006

Nederland en Afghanistan 42

De man op de voorgrond is John Negroponte, de huidige 'director of National Intelligence,' die als Amerikaans diplomaat in Honduras de doodseskaders hun werk liet doen en deze terroristen bovendien financierde in hun strijd tegen de progressieve democratisch gekozen regering van de Sandinisten in het naburige Nicaragua. De Washington Post bericht: 'Growing Threat Seen In Afghan Insurgency. DIA Chief Cites Surging Violence in Homeland
The director of the Defense Intelligence Agency told Congress yesterday that the insurgency in Afghanistan is growing and will increase this spring, presenting a greater threat to the central government's expansion of authority "than at any point since late 2001." "Despite significant progress on the political front, the Taliban-dominated insurgency remains a capable and resilient threat," Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples said in a statement presented to the Senate Armed Services Committee at its annual hearing on national security threats.
Appearing with Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte, Maples said attacks within Afghanistan were up 20 percent between 2004 and 2005, suicide bombings increased "almost fourfold" and use of makeshift bombs, similar to those used in Iraq, had "more than doubled."
Negroponte, in his prepared remarks, acknowledged that "the volume and geographic scope of attacks increased last year," but he added, "the Taliban and other militants have not been able to stop the democratic process" being undertaken by the central government of President Hamid Karzai.' Lees verder: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/28/AR2006022800874.html?referrer=email Meer over Johnny Negroponte, de bondgenoot van de Nederlandse regering in de 'war on terror': 'And that is why the appointment of John Negroponte as DNI has raised eyebrows inside and outside of Washington. At the time, in a previous incarnation as a diplomat in Honduras between 1981 and 1985, Negroponte turned a blind eye to atrocities and political assassinations carried out by US-funded Contra fighters during the illegal war against Nicaragua's Sandinista government. Throughout the period, Honduras receive huge funding and military assistance from the US in what CIA director William Casey called "the ultimate covert operation" which culminated in the discredited "Irangate" policy of channeling funds and weapons through Israel and Iran. According to Human Rights Watch, Negroponte and other US officials "looked the other way when serious atrocities were committed". Although Negroponte has denied involvement in the scandal and described the allegations as "old hat" when he was appointed ambassador to the UN in summer 2001, the Contra scandal is one of the most shameful episodes in US diplomatic history. Backed by the US, albeit secretly, Honduran forces were accused of torture and assassination and Contra fighters were repeatedly discovered perpetrating atrocities on civilians. When the scandal was revealed, it was discovered that CIA teams had instructed the Contras in the art of political assassination as well as taking part in the illegal mining of Nicaraguan ports. According to critics, all this would have been known to Negroponte but he kept his silence and the cover was not blown until October 1986, when Sandanista forces shot down a CIA aircraft carrying arms to Contra forces inside Nicaragua.' Lees verder: http://www.commondreams.org/cgi-bin/print.cgi?file=/headlines05/0220-02.htm In elk geval weten we nu precies wie onze bondgenoot is in de zogeheten strijd tegen het terrorisme.

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Zionist Nazi's. Punish Them

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