dinsdag 28 februari 2006

Dr. Gideon Polya

Dit is de Australische academicus Gideon Polya uit Melbourne. Mijn kameraad en hoofdredacteur van de Humanist Boudewijn Chorus stuurde me een email van dr. Polya met daarin een formele aanklacht die deze wiskundige heeft ingediend bij het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag. Een aanklacht vanwege oorlogsmisdaden begaan door de onder aanvoering van de Verenigde Staten in Irak en Afghanistan opererende coalitietroepen. 'On 14 October 2004 I made a formal complaint against the Australian Government and its Coalition allies over war crimes in Iraq, specifically illegal invasion and subsequent horrendous civilian mortality in contravention of international law (for details of this complaint and a prior complaint sent to the 2 dozen top law officers of Australia see: http://www.newscentralasia.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1019). Since that complaint was made, it can be estimated from the latest UNICEF reports (see: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html) that a further 560,000 under-5 year old infants have died in US Coalition-occupied Iraq and Afghanistan in gross contravention of the Geneva Conventions for the protection of civilians in time of war (1949). I am accordingly renewing and extending my formal complaint of egregious war crimes against the US-led Coalition leaders responsible for (1) the irresponsible and illegal invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan; (2) deliberate conduct of military operations to minimize politically-sensitive invading military deaths at the expense of the lives of utterly innocent civilians; (3) subsequent horrendous civilian mortality in these occupied countries in gross contravention of the Geneva Conventions (1949); and (4) collateral damage involving mass mortality elsewhere in the world as a consequence of Coalition actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.' Lees verder:
http://www.countercurrents.org/us-polya211205.htm Meer over dr. Polya kunt u op zijn website lezen: http://www.sulekha.com/blogs/blogdisplay.aspx?contributor=Dr.%20Gideon%20Polya

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