De Verenigde Staten saboteert een nieuwe VN-overeenkomst betreffende de bescherming van de mensenrechten. De New York Times bericht: 'US Causes Delay in UN Vote on New Rights Council. United Nations - U.S. opposition to a draft resolution on a new U.N. Human Rights Council led to a delay of a General Assembly vote this week and intense consultations on Tuesday on whether to reopen the text. Jan Eliasson, president of the 191-member General Assembly, who drew up the resolution, said a majority of U.N. members supported the draft and warned new talks might endanger the entire effort. A renegotiation, he said, "most probably would lead to a result which is far below what we already have achieved." He told reporters he had wanted a vote as soon as possible, preferably this week "but we now have a situation where we have a clear message about going ahead and for that I need to continue my consultations." U.S. Ambassador John Bolton announced on Monday that Eliasson's resolution, circulated last week, had "manifold deficiencies" and did not ensure that major human rights violators would be banned from the new rights council. Bolton said he was under instructions from Washington to reopen talks or postpone a decision for several months on a new rights body, which is to expose abusers and help nations draw up human rights legislation. Eliasson and leading rights groups, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, fear reopening talks would lead to line by line negotiations, with amendments from nations opposed to a strong rights council. "I don't think there's anything wrong with line by line negotiations," Bolton told reporters on Tuesday. He also said he was concerned about a provision saying nations could only serve two consecutive three-year terms, then take a break before running again. "My concern now with the term limits is that America would go off, and I think that would be to the detriment of the process," Bolton said.' Lees verder: http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/news/news-un-rights-usa.html?_r=1&oref=slogin Of: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/030106M.shtml
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