maandag 27 februari 2006

De Parlementaire Democratie 2

Overal in de Westerse wereld is de parlementaire democratie in verval geraakt. De oorspronkelijke impuls van de democratie is uitgewerkt, de politici worden gewantrouwd, demagogie wordt steeds belangrijker. De Independent bericht: 'Blueprint to give power to the people. A plan to revive Britain's dying democracy is launched today by an inquiry which warns that the parties are "killing" politics. The independent Power commission calls for sweeping changes to prevent a dangerous gulf between politicians and the people becoming even wider. Its ideas include allowing the public to initiate legislation and a shift of power back from the Government to Parliament, following criticism that Tony Blair has neutered it. The report will make uncomfortable reading for the Prime Minister, whose critics accuse him of eroding trust in politicians by going to war in Iraq on a false prospectus. But it could provide some of the key planks of a drive to re-engage people in politics already planned by Gordon Brown, his most likely successor… It bluntly warns politicians they must learn from the success of single-issue pressure groups which shows that people have disengaged from parties rather than political issues. Baroness Kennedy of the Shaws said: "Politics and government are increasingly in the hands of privileged elites as if democracy has run out of steam. Too often citizens are being evicted from decision-making - rarely asked to get involved and rarely listened to. As a result, they see no point in voting, joining a party or engaging with formal politics. "Parliament has had many of its teeth removed and government is conducted from Downing Street."' Lees verder:

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