De opbouw van een democratie, een civil society, een rechtstaat? Afghanistan is een soort proeftuin voor goedwillende Westerse politici. Ook de Nederlandse politici hebben er de mond van vol. Waarom prikken de massamedia deze nonsense niet door? Zouden ze nooit onderzoek verrichten? 24 oktober vorig jaar publiceerde Znet het volgende: 'AFGHAN WOMEN'S MAG EDITOR JAILED FOR ARTICLES AGAINST STONING TO DEATH AND LASHING. The editor of a respected women's magazine in Afghanistan has been sentenced to two years in jail for "blasphemy" after the judge in the case was ordered to imprison the editor by the Ulama Council, the country's leading religious body which is dominated by conservative clerics, according to reports from the Associated Press and regional newspapers like the Pak Times. The editor of Haqooq-i-Zan (Women's Rights), Ali Mohaqiq Nasab was arrested on Oct. 1 after he published articles in two issues of the magazine denouncing the law making stoning to death for leaving the Islamic religion a crime, criticized the practice of punishing adultery with 100 lashes, and argued that men and women should be considered by law to be equals. ("In some cases, the testimony of a female witness is considered to have only half the value of a male," the AP noted.) In other words, saying that men and women should be equal under the law and that stoning to death is wrong are "blasphemous" statements for which one can be sent to the slammer for years. Now, do you remember Laura Bush's "crusade" for women's rights in Afghanistan, which was part of the Bush administration's propaganda campaign to convince Americans the U.S. military invasion of the country was justified? Remember how the CIA's puppet choice for president of Afghanistan, the theatrically-dressed Hamid Karzai, was sent to sit next to Laura during the State of the Union and, once elected President, how Karzai the "democrat" was applauded by both Houses of Congress (and both parties) when he spoke to them?' Lees verder: http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=40&ItemID=8986
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