Gisteren was het Martin Luther King Day in de VS, de dag waarop de voorvechter voor gelijke rechten en voor vrede wordt herdacht. Democracy Now zond King's toespraak uit waarin hij zich fel tegen de oorlog in Vietnam uitsprak. Een toespraak die gezien de oorlog in Irak nog even actueel is. 'By 1967, King had become the country's most prominent opponent of the Vietnam War, and a staunch critic of overall U.S. foreign policy, which he deemed militaristic. In his "Beyond Vietnam" speech delivered at New York's Riverside Church on April 4, 1967 -- a year to the day before he was murdered -- King called the United States "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." Time magazine called the speech "demagogic slander that sounded like a script for Radio Hanoi," and the Washington Post declared that King had "diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country, his people."' De toespraak kunt u hier beluisteren.
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