dinsdag 3 januari 2006

Irak 11

Dit zijn de brokstukken van een Iraakse oliepijpleiding die door het verzet is opgeblazen om te voorkomen dat de Amerikanen hun bezetting bekostigen uit de olie-opbrengsten van Irak. Als gevolg van de chaos moet het olierijke land momenteel veel geraffineerde olieprodukten importeren. De export van ruwe olie is afgenomen tot ongeveer de helft van het Irakese capaciteit. De Washington Post bericht: 'Official Had Been on Leave Since Criticizing Government. BAGHDAD. Iraq's oil minister announced his resignation Monday, saying that the government had acted in an authoritarian way in forcing him to take a mandatory leave last month and that its policies were worsening the condition of the country's poor. The raising of oil prices last month was "anti-democratic and lacks foresight," Minister Ibrahim Bahr Uloom said at a news conference…The decision to raise prices, part of a deal to reduce Iraq's foreign debt, had been made in 2004, the official said.' Lees verder: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/02/AR2006010201765.html?referrer=email&referrer=email Truthout bericht: 'Baghdad - Iraq's oil exports hit their lowest level since the war, according to figures released on Monday, heightening a sense of crisis as fuel supplies grow scarce and political leaders struggle to form a government. Iraq exported 1.1 million barrels per day (bpd) of oil in December, a senior official said - less than any month since exports resumed in mid-2003 after the US invasion and about half the level seen during sanctions under Saddam Hussein. Sabotage is damaging plants and blocking investment, keeping exports at a fraction of targets officials say should be met if Iraq's vast reserves are to provide its people with the prosperity that might draw the sting of civil conflict. The oil official was speaking after Oil Minister Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum announced his resignation in opposition to fuel price rises imposed last month as part of an aid deal with the International Monetary Fund that demands big cuts in subsidies... Uloum's resignation as oil minister came after what looked like an old-style ministerial coup last month, when he was placed on leave against his will and replaced by Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Chalabi. Uloum had opposed the December 19 fuel prices rises, saying they should have been introduced more gradually. The price of premium gasoline went up by 200 percent, with other fuels doubling in price. However, given the level of subsidy, further price rises seem likely under the IMF's strictures. The government remains committed to cutting fuel subsidies further to meet the demands of the International Monetary Fund, which agreed a landmark credit arrangement with Iraq on December 23.' Zie:

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