vrijdag 6 januari 2006

Ariel Sharon 2

Het verschil tussen enerzijds een Britse kwaliteitskrant die werkt in een angelsaksische journalistieke traditie en anderzijds 'misschien wel de beste krant van Nederland' die in een christelijke journalistieke traditie werkt, het verschil tussen The Guardian en Trouw. 'A brutal soldier who came to know the limits of force. Ian Black. Friday January 6, 2006. Ariel Sharon was only 25 when he first attracted attention and controversy - and at the very highest level. It was October 1953, and the young army officer was summoned by David Ben-Gurion, Israel's then prime minister. Lieutenant Sharon had just commanded a raid against a West Bank village called Qibya, a reprisal for the murder of an Israeli woman and two children. Uproar had broken out after his men dynamited 45 houses and killed 67 Palestinian men, women and children, many of them buried under the rubble. The operation bore the hallmarks of a distinctive and brutal style. Qibya was one of many bloody episodes in Sharon's lifelong war with the Arabs. Elevated to the status of national hero, he spent his formative years fighting, disobeying orders and attracting admirers and enemies.' Lees verder: http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,1680409,00.html En: 'Tragische uitschakeling Sjaron stelt Israël voor ongekende krachtproef... Comateuze Sjaron laat vacuüm achter... De omvang van het vacuüm dat Sjaron achterlaat is moeilijk in te schatten...' http://www.trouw.nl/ Het is het verschil tussen zakelijke berichtgeving en belijdende verkondiging, tussen een 'brutal style' van een terrorist die oorlogsmisdaden beging en de 'tragische uitschakeling' van de leider van god's uitverkoren volk, die 'een moeilijk in te schatten vacuum achterlaat.’ Voor meer over Sharon's terrorisme lees CounterPunch: 'Sharon's history offers a monochromatic record of moral corruption, with a documented record of war crimes going back to the early 1950s. He was born in 1928 and as a young man joined the Haganah, the underground military organization of Israel in its pre-state days. In 1953 hewas given command of Unit 101, whose mission is often described as that of retaliation against Arab attacks on Jewish villages. In fact, as can be seen from two terrible onslaughts, one of them very well known, Unit 101's purpose was that of instilling terror by the infliction of discriminate, murderous violence not only on able bodied fighters but on the young, the old, the helpless.'

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