De almaar naderbij komende uitputting van de oliereserves en de klimaatverandering zijn twee fenomenen die de komende vijftig jaar de wereld ingrijpend zullen veranderen. Terwijl politici handelen alsof er niets aan de hand is, schrijven deskundigen als James Howard van de Britse organisatie PowerSwitch: 'The Fusion of Peak Oil & Climate Change. Peak Oil and Climate Change are two historic events for humans and life on earth. The first threatens modern industrial ways of living and the latter threatens the climatic systems that are an integral part of our world and the way we live and survive. A quick recap on both. Peak Oil is the point of historic maximum global oil flow, Climate Change is the alteration of established climate systems due to (in this case, anthropogenic) global warming. The onset of both will affect food & water supplies, mortality rates, conflict, migration and much more. The evidence that climate change is underway and almost past the point of no return is very strong and Peak Oil day by day gathers more credence as many studies point to an imminent peak. How do these two events affect each other though? The decline of global oil supply and the increasing cost of everything as a consequence means we will see our ability to deal with the consequences of Climate Change reduced.' http://www.powerswitch.org.uk/portal/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1403&Itemid=2
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