zaterdag 31 december 2005

Kissinger en Pinochet

Op deze foto staan twee mensen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor grootschalige schendingen van de mensenrechten en het omverwerpen van een democratische regering. Links ziet u Henry Kissinger, de voormalige minister van buitenlandse zaken van de VS en rechts generaal Augusto Pinochet, van 1973 tot 1990 dictator van Chili, leider van een regime dat tenminste 3000 Chileense burgers liet doodmartelen of voor eeuwig liet verdwijnen. Kissinger gaf logistieke en militaire steun voor de staatsgreep die Pinochet aan de macht hielp. Kissinger is nooit hiervoor officieel aangeklaagd, laat staan veroordeeld. Pinochet is afgelopen woensdag naar een politiebureau overgebracht voor het nemen van zijn vingerafdrukken en het maken van een portretfoto als eerste stap in een juridische procedure waarbij hij zich moet verantwoorden voor de doden en verdwijningen. Zie: Zie ook: De Amerikaanse auteur Marc Cooper schrijft in Truthdig: 'During those horrible morning hours of the first Sept.11, the Chilean military coup of 1973, President Salvador Allende gave his farewell speech to the nation over the radio. I listened to his crackling, metallic voice along with millions of others as Allende raced to get out his final words before the tanks and planes of the military would bombard the radio transmitter, silence him and obliterate Chilean democracy. A long dark night of felonious repression was coming, Allende said. But “make sure you know,” he said to his nation minutes before his death, “that sooner rather than later” Chileans would once again live in a better society where justice would prevail. For more than three decades, that was a tough promise to hang on to. But last Wednesday, almost under the international media radar, something happened that those of us who survived the coup--and the families of those who didn’t--had waited for since Allende uttered those words 32 years ago. Chilean detectives and judicial officers went to the door of 90-year-old General Augusto Pinochet--leader of the 1973 coup and the man who imposed 17 years of bloody dictatorship on his country--and then proceeded to enter his suburban Santiago mansion and fingerprint him and take his mug shot as if he were any other criminal. It was a stunning moment not only for those of us who have always opposed Pinochet but also for anyone in the world who cares about human rights. Here was the arrogant, once untouchable dictator, who during his reign boasted that “not a leaf moves in Chile if I don’t know about it,” finally being brought to justice.' Lees verder: Voor meer over de misdaden van Henry Kissinger zie Christopher Hitchens' boek 'The Trial of Henry Kissinger.' Het is in het Nederlands uitgegeven door de Arbeiderspers. En anders via Amazon: 'Christopher Hitchens doesn't mince words when it comes to Henry Kissinger, the former secretary of state and national-security advisor: Kissinger deserves vigorous prosecution "for war crimes, for crimes against humanity, and for offenses against common or customary or international law, including conspiracy to commit murder, kidnap, and torture." The Trial of Henry Kissinger is a masterpiece of polemics; even readers who don't agree that its target is an emanation of "official evil" will appreciate the verve and style brought to Hitchens's fiery brief. ("A good liar must have a good memory: Kissinger is a stupendous liar with a remarkable memory.")'

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