maandag 26 december 2005

Israel's Extremisme 7

In Counterpunch schrijft de Amerikaanse hoogleraar James Petras over Israel's oorlogszuchtige taal: 'Never has an imminent war been so loudly and publicly advertised as Israel's forthcoming military attack against Iran. When the Israeli Military Chief of Staff, Daniel Halutz, was asked how far Israel was ready to go to stop Iran's nuclear energy program, he said "Two thousand kilometers" ­ the distance of an air assault. More specifically Israeli military sources reveal that Israel's current and probably next Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered Israel's armed forces to prepare for air strikes on uranium enrichment sites in Iran According to the London Times the order to prepare for attack went through the Israeli defense ministry to the Chief of Staff. During the first week in December, "sources inside the special forces command confirmed that 'G' readiness ­ the highest state ­ for an operation was announced" (Times, December 11, 2005). On December 9, Israeli Minister of Defense, Shaul Mofaz, affirmed that in view of Teheran's nuclear plans, Tel Aviv should "not count on diplomatic negotiations but prepare other solutions". In early December, Ahron Zoevi Farkash, the Israeli military intelligence chief told the Israeli parliament (Knesset) that "if by the end of March, the international community is unable to refer the Iranian issue to the United Nations Security Council, then we can say that the international effort has run its course". In other words, if international diplomatic negotiations fail to comply with Israel's timetable, Israel will unilaterally, militarily attack Iran. Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the Likud Party and candidate for Prime Minister, stated that if Sharon did not act against Iran, "then when I form the new Israeli government (after the March 2006 elections) we'll do what we did in the past against Saddam's reactor." In June 1981 Israel bombed the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq.' Voor zover ik weet hebben de de Europese Unie en de VS nog niet gereageerd op de dreigende agressie van Israel. Die agressie is in strijd met het internationaal recht, maar kennelijk mag Israel dat. Het feit dat de Israelische bevolking er niet voor is, speelt bij politici kennelijk geen enkele rol. Kijken hoe lang ook het kabinet Balkenende blijft zwijgen. Overigens werd Iran wel meteen bestraffend toegesproken toen de president van dat land zich negatief over Israel uitliet. Het meten met twee maten mag in het Westen als normaal worden beschouwd, maar niet in de rest van de wereld, en zeker niet in het olierijke Midden Oosten. En de Westerse steun aan de Israelische agressie wordt ook niet langer meer geaccepteerd. Het Westen zal er een prijs voor moeten betalen.

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