donderdag 29 december 2005

Economische en Politieke Corruptie

Het Enron schandaal in de VS toont de nauwe banden tussen de grote concerns en de Amerikaanse regering. Het laat ook zien hoe in een corrupt systeem een president kan worden gekocht. Democracy Now bericht: 'Four years ago Enron filed for bankruptcy after years of defrauding its own employees and investors. The bankruptcy put over 4,000 people out of work. The value of the company's stock dropped from ninety dollars to about 30 cents. Thousands of Enron employees lost their lifesavings. The opening of Lay and Skilling's trial has now been pushed back to January 30. Up until yesterday, Causey's attorneys were working directly with them on a joint defense. It remains unclear how the upcoming trial will affect President Bush - who was closely linked to the Texas-based firm. The family of Enron founder Ken Lay was one of President Bush's biggest financial backers. It donated about $140,000 to Bush's political campaigns in Texas and for the White House. The president personally nicknamed Ken Lay "Kenny Boy." Overall Enron employees gave Bush some $600,000 in political donations. According to the Center for Public Integrity this made Enron Bush's top career donor - a distinction the company maintained until last year. Shortly after Bush took office in 2001, Vice President Cheney reportedly met with Enron officials while he was developing the administration's energy policies. ' Het laatste nieuws over deze corruptie leest u hier:

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